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First of all, this cannot work for everyone-your son needs to be a pretty good ballplayer, especially at a young age. Of course, you will need to coach him in Little League, so that he can pitch, play short and centerfield, you know, all the premier positions. First base and catcher works also, as they see the most action. As he progresses through his career, he will, of course, make the All-Star team and go to the Little League World Series. Now, here is where the legend begins…

The team does well, but your son doesn’t stand out, as most of the kids are evenly talented as 12 year-olds. You immediately sign him up to play on an out-of-town travel team. Make sure to bring a close friend along. Here’s what you do. After each week’s games, tout your child’s accomplishments. When he goes 1 for 4, with an infield single, tell the baseball people back home, he was 2 for 3 with a double and a triple. When he pitches and gives up 4 runs, make sure to tell them about the complete game shutout that he threw. Are you starting to get my drift? Tell them about that tournament down south. You know you really don’t even have to go, but tell friends in the neighborhood about the “longest shot ever hit by a 13 year-old, at least 450 feet.”

Okay, here is the short list of things to do-

1. Add 200 points to his BA.
2. Lower his ERA by at least 3.
3. Multiply doubles and home runs by 4.
4. Always have that friend to verify. (Of course, you will need to pay for all costs of having this friendship, including dinners out, vacations, and salon services for the wives.)

If you follow these simple rules, your son will be a legend and be sure to make his HS varsity team as a freshman, perhaps over more deserving players or seniors. You see, the HS coach has been hearing these stories too and already has his mind made up for the “rookie” even before tryouts begin. Now, if you live in the Northeast, this works especially well because many times tryouts are held indoors during the cold weather. Is he really a varsity player? Most likely, he’s JV. Don’t get me wrong, he is good-he developed faster than most, but did he really deserve to unseat that senior? Should he have moved up before those other 2 outstanding JV players? Well, there is no turning back for coach now. Once he chooses your son to be on the varsity, he must play him and give him every opportunity to prove that he made the right choice.

Any similar happenings in your neighborhood?

P.S. Parents, please don't try this as if can be quite expensive and may have been tried before. It only works once in each neighborhood.
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Good question. I tend to be cynical, I guess, because of the competitive environment here on Long Island. Here, it seems, we do not root for our neighbors' sons. We try to outdo them. This is neither my nor my husband's attitude. We found this out through the politics of Little League-see my thread, "Why is Dad mad at the HS coach?" In 9 years of playing Little League, my son not once got a chance to play a base or pitch or was invited to play in a summer travel team. We did not know that he had talent to play baseball until he tried out and made the middle school team. Much to our surprise, he was touted as one of the best ball players in our district. Why were we surprised? Because he was always politically excluded. It was not just him, but many other boys too. Despite living in this area for 18 years, when my son made the varsity as a sophomore, people from the Little League were shocked because they didn't know he played competitively. I guess I like to post these stories because it gets people to think.

Ahh! I feel much better now.
Oh darn! He didn't make it to the LLWS. Whatever is he to do now? Can't lie about it. He'll be playing against those kids through HS. Isn't there some other subterfuge? Maybe we could win the lottery and buy new batting cages for the HS team?

I mean what other course is there? I guess he could try out and make it or not based on his ability...Nah, that'll never work. Smile
Well, he started in kindergarten at 5, and in his last year he was 13. Let's count together, 5=1, 6=2, 7=3, 8=4, 9=5, 10=6, 11=7, 12=8, 13=9.
Got it, Tr.

At 13, he also played travel for the 1st time. We found it by accident and the locals were upset when they had to make room for him in the outfield.

I guess it has been a LONG time since you lived here. As for the legend in my own mind part, I'll ask my therapist on Thursday and give you an update then... Now that you mentioned it, it sounds kind of good.

Believe me, I was not the brains behind what went on and still goes on. Obviously, it is not that tight knit a community. Remember I am a mom and in all my years as a baseball mom, I never once spoke to any of my son's coaches on the HS team or the Little League team, other than to say what juice or snack I was bringing or find out where a particular field was.

P.S. You do realize that I am joking about the therapist part.
Last edited by limom84
If anyone actually did follow your advise they would not be legends in their own neighborhood or elsewhere - most folks can spot real talent - and they can spot an influx of hot air.

I can think of quite a few reasons your son could have been passed over until middle school that have nothing to do with politics. I won't bother listing them as you always reject anything that conflicts with your comfort zone.

Since you prefer to blame everything on the unfairness of others, have at it. After all, that's the easy way out.
Geez...........some of you guys and gals are hostile! I can't believe how "testy" some posters get on these boards..
I rarely post here for fear of being ripped apart by some of the regulars... [and we ALL know who they are]
I, like many others have gained a weatlh of knowledge by reading various posts over the years, but I always think twice before I post an opinion on here. I have thick skin, but I still never cease to be amazed by the select few on this board who are always convinced that they are right and the rest of us an unworthy of having an opinion. JMO......
Luvthgame....Did you read the original post on this thread by Limom? Have you read the other posts by Limom? If so....then can you tell me what Limom's opinions are (besides speed is good)? You mention that opinions are judged unworthy by others on this site.....just exactly what was his (yes, his) opinion, put forth, on this thread? Would appreciate knowing your opinion. Thank you.
LI, the situation you speak of does happen frequently. There is only one number one player (the best) in any town. There is only one number two, one number three and so forth. There are only nine starters on the field. We need to congratulate these players and recognize their accomplishments. Most people are proud of their accomplishments, especially the number one player, the hometown hero, but ... there are also parents that want to discredit them. They cry foul and try to blame “undue influence” on the player’s success. They are sure there has to be some “cooking the books” going on... “He only made it because….” “If that aluminum home run had been hit this with wood, it would have been an out!” I’ve heard it all. The real truth is the players get what they deserve. While the players compete on the field for the coveted spot on the roster, the headlines on the sports page, or the college scholarship, the really fierce competition is happening in the minds of the parents of players that fail to live up to their parent’s expectations. This parental competition builds into a rage deep inside their minds. This rage creates some strange emotions...those emotions conjure up some strange ideas. It is almost a sickness. I know you’re a movie buff so let me suggest you watch one based on this topic.… WILLING TO KILL: THE TEXAS CHEERLEADER STORY
Finally you admit to being cynical...I suspect there are more emotions that you possess but are unwilling to admit to...admitting them is half the battle...fighting them is even me, you seem to be very bitter over what you perceive to be as transgressions towards your son...what you need to understand is that most of us could literally write books on what we see as "politics" in is not unique to the baseball realm or in your neck of the woods...but what you also need to grasp is that the longer you harbor the animosity the more bitter you become...and that has ramifications and impact on your activities of daily living...someway, somehow they are exhibited towards others and I feel that because you are driven by that bitterness you have decided to vent your frustrations here...but what you have achieved is to ranckle some very good people...there are many, many good parents here...willing to help many a family and boy walk the walk towards their feel you are stirring the pot by starting threads that are at best negative and condescending in nature but what you fail to comprehend is that the pot is on simmer and does it's best at that level....bringing it to a boil only spoils the contents and when that happens the rest of the meal becomes would best help your son by reading and consuming the wealth of knowledge exhibited here and then making posts that sre less critical and even arrogant in nature...ther will be things that are annoying but ignore them...move on...and find those threads that are relevant to your scenario...just a few words from an "old BB Mom" what purpose does it serve to point out the geographical location of this poster?
luvthgame: Geeze, there ya went and did it again.......

I'm not sure which is more entertaining: reading limom's posts or reading the reactions to them - especially when someone like yourself makes the statement that people on this board get a little "testy" and "the regulars" tend to 'rip people apart'.

In my most humble opinion, which I realize may be totally unreasonable to some, I see the days of "ripping" posters apart as coming to an end. It's been way easier just to delete threads or threaten to delete them.

Time to go back to my little corner.....
Please don't pick on Savannah. Us po' fools in the Southern Red States of America just like to joke that the airheads float north and the nuts roll west, leaving us simple sane folks done heah. It doesn't mean we're right, and besides, New Yawk MLB teams gave us Mays and Mantle (although neither was born in the 'noth). Gotta have fun as pitchers and catchers don't report for another 77 days. Smile
After reading just a few of Limom's posts, I made a mental note to ignore his/her future posts as they are clearly a cry for attention. But after noting 30 responses to this latest silly post, now I get it...It's the Jerry Springer syndrome. As stupid and rediculous as her/his posts mostly are, given all the responses, we seem to gravitate towards this freak show just as the goofs who ogle at Jerry Springer. Limom, have at've stumbled onto something cause everyone continues to respond to you. I give up...keep em coming! Just add to your signature, Limom's posts are for entertainment purposes only and any helpful information gleaned from them are pure coincidence."

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