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Just thought I'd share the great way I quit smoking after 24 yrs of 2 pack a day . We went to Cooperstown when my son was 12. My son Is a line drive hitter not much of a home run threat with 15' fences (although the fields were very short). I told my son who had never hit a over the fence homer if he hit one there I would quit. After saying it I thought shoot now if he doesn't hit one he will feel like it was his fault I was still smoking,before I could contimplate to much (1st inning) he smokes a 3-Run shot just crushes it, as he comes around 3rd he points at me and says "you Quit" I did haven't had a puff in 2 1/2 yrs. Best way to quit cannot go back on your word to your kid
P.S. Good Lord must have wanted me to quit has not hit one since.
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Way to go BD46 , not only to quit cold-turkey, but also to hold your end of the bargain. I'll bet your son has learned a lesson from that experience about keeping your word.

I guess I'm not that "nice".

A couple years ago my daughters bet my occasional cigar smoking that they ski across the lake backward hanging onto the rope with their ankle. It was a stupid bet because I knew they could do it. The next morning I asked if they were ready to go. They said "where?" I said Lake Michigan. Big Grin

I still enjoy my occasional cigar.
Last edited by rz1

I quit cold turkey as well but for different reasons

When I had what they termed my first "stroke" I just stopped on doctors suggestion, no questions asked--my youngest son helped me tremendously because when I got back from the doctors all tobaccco elements in the house including ash trays and all my pipes were in the trash pails

I had stopped smoking cigs many moons back and I was a two pack a day guy---I lost my voice in the recording studio and never smoked a cig again---it cost me more than 10 grand for studio time, musicians etc that night as we could not make the sesssion work that night and all musicians in the session left without their cigs as I was so ticked off that I took any and all cigs and burned them in the middle of the studio--

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