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Originally posted by TRhit:

Show us something--so far all words and regurgitation from a claymation site-- join the real world--- I am waiting for the VIDEO


I'm trying to ignore you. You came here yesterday to start ****. You spewed all over yourself. Then Blue Dog called you out. I stayed out of it rather than incite further. Now, here you are starting **** again.

You can't play with the big boys. Stay in the recruiting forums. Your knowledge there is good.
Last edited by Linear
Gordie Gillespie invented the Gillespie Vest to be used basically the same as the towel under the arm. It was a device with 2 straps. One large one went around the player at chest height and a second smaller one strapped around the bicept of the lead arm and attached to the larger strap. This held the front arm, not tight, but close to the body. It is a great muscle memory tool. Even though he's an old man he coached a few wins in college baseball.

Fence Driller
Originally posted by Linear:
I'll recognize sincere and considerate when just once, for the first time, one of you call out TR publicly like you do me and others.

Linear - IMO.

You can disagree with anyone. Vehemently if you like.
You and TR and anyone else for that matter can say that the other person is clueless - or wrong - or has no idea what they are talking about.

But please - leave age, gender, race and religion out of it. Be civil.

I think that is a basic foundation for the rules of the HSBBWEB.

That is all I am saying - and all I have been saying for many years now.

Last edited by itsinthegame

Nothing is uncivil about our discussion.
That being said:

The subject was about teaching hitting.

If you feel you have something to add - put it out there.

If folks disagree - defend yourself.
Shoot - I do it all the time.

Just defend yourself without the negative personal stuff.

If you know what you are talking about - most people will see that - or at least they will be exposed to something new or different IMO.

But when you get personal - it all goes in the garbage.

Last edited by itsinthegame
Just wanted to get everybody primed for the new year and see if anything had changed.

"The arguments you make are laughable at best".

Maybe so.

I hear the guys are teaching windmill pitching now. What's next? Maybe a whole series on how to do everything in slo motion. Karate, ice skating, lacrosse, riding derby horses, dicing onions, ............ It will all be presented with impecable accuracy.....and in the form of uncompromising LAW

Coach Butler...good luck with the season with those disconnected HR hitters. If they really connect somebody could get hurt. Your not bad for a paid , career coach Wink
Last edited by swingbuster

You can clear things up if you answer the question about whether the drill is designed to "hold" the towel the entire time.

If it is then, no, the arm doesn't get there. Not at the beginning. Not at the end. And, not between. Therefore, not a very good drill.


The video please. And, it's been a while since your last self promotion campaign.
Last edited by Linear
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