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Originally posted by Coach A:
The swing planes are nearly identical...

There can be no fight.

Not until you get an education.

If you can look at the two swings and say the swing planes are identical then you can't see enough yet.

The skeletal graphic shows two swing planes. Bonds has one of them. The kid has the other.

And the kids failure to maintain the box is a large part of the problem.


And, while studying, look at the imaginery disk....not the bat.
Last edited by Linear
Originally posted by Coach A:
Please speak in specifics instead of using generalizations to pick on a kid's swing.

Pick on a kid's swing?

I believe the poster (dad) posted the swing and asked what we thought.

Am I supposed to lie?

Am I supposed to enable the kid to have good success at low levels and watch him hit the wall as he goes up the food chain?

No matter what is posted are we supposed to say...."that's really good"?

And as for specifics.....swing plane is specific. Maintaining the box is specific.....even if you don't know what they mean.

Your real complaint is that one of us knows a little bit and the other doesn't. And, you're not on the side you want to be on.
Last edited by Linear
Interesting! This kid is Old news as a sophomore in high school based upon one swing. My point, and I'm sure Linear ... will all agree. I'd like to see more. BTW, some great clips this weekend on Barry Bonds after he made his announcements. If one wants to talk about spine angle and swing plane he just might be perfect if perfect can exist. JMHO!
Last edited by CoachB25
Shep...describe briefly the PROGRAM that you see

Would take a long time and Shep's on Laptop @ school getting ready to eat "cafeteria food"LOL

Swing, Will give you a brief answer though.

Methods used by P-a-u-l N-y-m-an help the player internalize the muscle memory of baeball related movement. Simple as that but most times training devices are needed to break "old habits" LOL

I like you Swing and like what you have to offer and I have kep't quiet up to this point this morning before I departed for school but feel I'm at the crossroads and must choose.

Besides this prospect lives closer to Conn. Wink

Back to country fried steak and 28 2nd grade students.

Going to HS BB game after school-Top Prospect Smile

Talk Later Bro,
Originally posted by Linear:
Originally posted by CoachB25:
Interesting! This kid is Old news as a sophomore in high school based upon one swing.

Even more interesting is you can't see the difference in swing planes.

You.......the hsbaseball coach........

Wouldn't it be even more interesting to see more than one swing? Do you then suggest that one swing defines a player? Is it incomprehensible to you that a hitter could take a swing of lesser quality on a given pitch? Are you suggesting that even the greats don't get fooled once in a while and have a poor swing?

I posted my thoughts on this swing and then deleted that portion of the post because I'm not quick to judge. Aren't you the same poster that remarked, in the past, that high school coaches change hitters to quickly based upon a couple of swings? Looking for a little conflict today? Guess that floats your boat! Genetic Potential? Good I don't have a son. You'd be the first to tell them to take up golf. LOL!
Last edited by CoachB25
MT07LHP posted one clip and asked for advice.

He got it. He can determine what to do with it.

Not everyone needs your help.

Could be a one swing mistake and most all his others are good. I suspect not. On what looks like a very good pitch to hit, he has an improper swing plane. If you can't maintain your swing plane on that pitch you'll be even worse on other pitches.

MT07LHP can make that decision.

As for's still amazing you can't see the difference in the swing planes. For that matter, I doubt if you know what the differences mean even if you could figure out how and why they are different.

You know, YOU, the "I know I'm the best but please tell me again how good I am" guy......that in reality falls far short of knowing what constitutes a high level swing.

What brings you back to the skills section?

You (and a few others) have been missing for a couple of weeks now and the level of knowledge has advanced.
Last edited by Linear
How do you deduce that I can or can't see any flaw. I haven't posted on it. As per the absence, haven't been absent at all. Just didn't feel the need to post. Besides, leave this up to you. You are constantly and consistently the kettle. Did want to see more clips and don't think one swing is enough. As always, you're good for a chuckle or two. Per your "not everyone needs my help," exactly why I've stayed out and let you be the EXPERT on everything under the sun. Basketball, Football, Baseball, do you fix Baked Alaska as well? Probablly a gourmet cook! My ego, as large as it is, pales in comparison to yours. BTW, how do you know I don't belong to another website? Perhaps I do and correspond with others under a different name. Perhaps I took a lesson from you, the Sybil of the Internet. Then again, maybe I don't. At least I've looked at the mirror and all of my face is the same color since I haven't been putting it other places. dizzy dialog dizzy
Last edited by CoachB25
Define who's the expert! It's easy to be an arm chair quarterback and tell everyone that such and such is the flaw. However, who's to say you, the almighty, Linearrshardozzirteachermanthecoach...'s opinion on what is right or wrong is any more correct off of one video feed than any John Doe walking the street?
Linear Wrote:

“Or is someone else working with your kids.........with you taking the credit.”

Well, heck yes. I have an incredible coaching staff. In fact, 2 out of the 3 paid coaches PLAYED FOR ME. Of those two, one went on to be an All-American in college and the other pitched in college. Both coached in college. Head Coaches get a lot of credit and assistant coaches do a lot of work. It was the same when I was an assistant coach.

Richard asked for my evaluation. The topic was locked this morning when I got to school. I had to coach basketball and then scout last night and so, I didn’t post my requested analysis. First let me say again, that I don’t think you can rate a player’s abilities on one swing. I feel the most comfortable suggesting changes in a hitter’s technique after I’ve thrown BP to them.

The upper body and the hands are not acting as one unit. What we call “Hands and body are better together.” This young man extends his hands toward the ump and then begins the swing. In turn, this lengthens or straightens the right arm. In my opinion, this could make his swing “longer.” I believe that this alters his swing plane. What would I then recommend to change it? I’d suggest that this young man change his spine angle and do what we call “getting the eyes over the plate.” I’d also recommend that this young man trigger by keeping his hands and upper body as one unit and slightly rotating his shoulders inward loading. In doing all of this then, the tell tale sign of the adjustment is that this young man’s swing plane should improve and his balance would be significantly better at finish. Note, in the video, he really rolls over that front foot and is not balanced.

Well, this is my assessment. I’m no expert and have never claimed to be. In fact, I despise most (not all) “experts.” These “experts” spend a lot of time looking at a computer skeleton and simulating swing planes. They are fantastic at hitting enter on the keyboard. Players are not perfect as those simulations. They are human and have human traits. To say a player won’t reach their “genetic potential” based on one video feed is absurd. That is unless that computer graphic can account for that player’s genetic makeup. Oops, don’t believe it can. JMHO!
Last edited by CoachB25
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