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Generally it is not the Coach who kicks a player off the team, it is generally the AD or Principle who takes disciplinary action.

Any extra curricular is a privilege. what do most of us parents do when a kid misbehaves?

We take away privileges of some sort. This misbehavior may not have had anything to do with the privilage taken away, I generally tried to take away a privilage that will have an impact on them.

That is exactly what the schools do. I may or may not agree with the length of the punishments, but I agree with the punishments themselves.

I, by the way, am not a fan of Zero tolerence. 2 kids from a local school were busted at a beer party. They claimed they were not drinking and the cops gave them a breathalyzer test and they blew 0.0 so they were telling the truth. They were still suspended for 20% of the season for just being at the party. I have a problem with that, guilt by association.
Last edited by BigWI

You are missing the point!!! Those 2 players at your school most likely KNEW that they were not to be drinking or be where others were illegally drinking. The players CHOSE to be at the BEER PARTY, too late to complain about consequences.

Kids need LESS excuses made for their in-appropriate behaviors and MORE accountability for for the decisions THEY make.

As "leftydad" would say, "just my opinion.".

OPP, WOW, talk about missing the point, "it's on the tip of your cap" - you're pretty harsh - a couple of kids at a party where alcohol was (also) present and they choose to say NO!

I'd give them a pat on the back Smile and a reward for making the right choice - you're saying they should leave "friends" who make other (wrong) choices to drive themselves home - I disagree, if they were mine, or if the others who made the wrong choice were mine, I would want them there to be an influence (and also drive)

zero tolerance = "zero thought/zero guts"

if I knew someone who were punished by the (my) school system for that, I'd reward them somehow to show my gratitude for their guts

ps - good thread, but basicly hypothetical, as I'm not buying that 2 "nearly adult" hs males could get "knee walkin' drunk" in the morning during a morning "study break"
Last edited by Bee>
O.K...let's take this reward logic a little further. We're talking about illegal activity, right? What if our "friends" are dealing a little hash, boosting a car, or any other "small time" crime. Do we give them the grateful pat on the back there if they hang around to maybe be a positive influence? Roll Eyes After all, these are our friends, right? Give me a break! Sometimes the right choice is walking away...this includes underage, what you call only alcohol. We wander where our culture is going...look around at the acceptable behavior now for teenagers! pull_hair
Originally posted by OnePlayer'sPop:

You are missing the point!!! Those 2 players at your school most likely KNEW that they were not to be drinking or be where others were illegally drinking. The players CHOSE to be at the BEER PARTY, too late to complain about consequences.

Kids need LESS excuses made for their in-appropriate behaviors and MORE accountability for for the decisions THEY make.

As "leftydad" would say, "just my opinion.".



Just to clarify things, it was a rival school, not the one my son attends.

No, I am not missing the point. I understand it fully. They were where they were not suppose to be. They got caught and are being punished.

I don't see what I wrote as making any excuses for those kids. Nor was I complaining about the consequences, heck we get to play them while they are on suspension.

I was simply using them as an example of what I think is wrong with the zero tolerence at least as applied at that school. I just disagree with them being punished for simply being at the party. As Bee pointed out, they chose to say no but wanted to hang out with their friends.
Originally posted by DaddyBo:
O.K...let's take this reward logic a little further. We're talking about illegal activity, right? What if our "friends" are dealing a little hash, boosting a car, or any other "small time" crime. Do we give them the grateful pat on the back there if they hang around to maybe be a positive influence? Roll Eyes After all, these are our friends, right? Give me a break! Sometimes the right choice is walking away...this includes underage, what you call only alcohol. We wander where our culture is going...look around at the acceptable behavior now for teenagers! pull_hair


O.K...let's take this illegal logic a little further. We're talking about illegal activity, right?

Since you have decided to give an example in the extreme ( equating underage drinking to dealing drugs or stealing a car) I'm sure you won't mind if I do the same.

Has your son ever been in the car when you (or one of his friends) went a few miles per hour over the speed limit? Did you turn him into the AD and get him suspended (or what ever the punishment at his school would be?) Did he ever get a speeding ticket? Did you turn him into the AD and get him suspended (or what ever the punishment at his school would be?)
They are both illegal activities.

Now I know you will say that you cannot compare underage drinking to speeding. BUT, I claim that underage drinking is closer in severity to speeding then to dealing hash or stealing a car! Around here you get a ticket for either underage drinking or speeding, with the fine being comparable. Whereas you get arrested for dealing hash or stealing a car.

That being said, I agree completely that the proper thing to do would be for the kids to get the heck outta there ASAP. I have told my kids that on many occasions.

Where I disagree is that I believe that the punishment for simply being at the party should be up to the parents and not the school officials.
Last edited by BigWI
Many schools have official policies about even being at the party where alcohol is being consumed by anyone. Quite often the ONLY exception would be if you were in the presence of your parents/legal guardian. And don't even try to give me the story about the parents who buy the alcohol for their kids and friends and ONLY let them consume it at home!!!! pull_hair

About the only length of time those players should have stayed at the party would have been to notice what was going on and remind themselves that if they valued their baseball playing privilege they need to leave immediately.

It is a cop-out to state that they could then be the designated drivers for those who had been drinking. If I remember right, it is illegal in all 50 states for persons under the age of 21 to drink alcohol, no matter how much you want to rationalize any part of it. If you are willing to do the crime, you need to be willing to accept the time!! Quit making excuses for the poor little kiddies, they are supposed to learning from the consequences of their mistakes while growing up.

There are 2 kinds of disciplines in life- self and imposed. One builds character the other builds rap sheets.
Last edited by OnePlayer'sPop
Our school Code of Conduct is clear. They would be suspended for 1/2 of the sports season. If they attend Counseling, they can then ask for a meeting with the Principal and AD to have the suspension shortened. However, they still come under any disciplinary actions of the Head Coach. We have one now. He was caught at a function. He has to serve 7 games suspension because of meeting the counseling requirement and his blood test showed he hadn't been drinking. However, he did help get the alcohol. I will talk with his parents when this is over for any additional suspension. He has been able to practice. I haven't spent much time concentrating on him because I have to get those eligiable to play ready for games. Well, that is our policy.
Good points noted by BigWI and JustMe...I did make assumptions that underage drinking was taking place, by there being what I assumed to be underage high school kids present. noidea The main point of my "take it a little further" logic was again emphasized by OPP. We are a long ways removed and a lot more accepting of behavior that is very dangerous than where we were years ago...and I don't believe it is a more advanced acceptability. I see mentioned in these posts a very volatile mixture (again maybe some assumptions...based on the way it is)...adults, underage kids, alcohol and cars. Oh, and by the way, since I accept your premise that I might have streched it some by comparing drug dealing, robbery rolleyes...I do firmly beleve there is a difference between drinking & driving, and going 75 in a 70 zone. Eek
"I do firmly beleve there is a difference between drinking & driving, and going 75 in a 70 zone. "

agree I only made the comparison as a counter to your arguement.

The ONLY boys I was defending were the ones attended the party and did not drink and still got busted.

Those who did drink, I do not defend at all.
Last edited by BigWI
Originally posted by DaddyBo:
Hey "Big Dub"...we keep posting, we Might even agree on more stuff than not! Big Grin After reading your bio we're probably more alike than we care to admit (Love my onion rings) 14

I have no doubt that we probably agree on more then we disagree.

I know I am a very very intelligent individual, and assuming that you are too, you must agree with me. Big Grin

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