My Jr-yr son is getting ready to send out first contact letters. His HS team has a new coach for the upcoming year, but he has not seen my son play. Should we list him as the contact, or should we list his former coach until the new one has seen him? His summer league coach has seen him in more games, so should he make a note of that?
Also, do we list his batting stats for HS as well as summer? Or combine them for the year? The HS data indicates his ability as a sophomore playing varsity ball in a very competitive sub-region vs. primarily Jr & Sr talent (PA=51, AV=.340, fielding=.960) while his summer league was also very competitive, but against national 16U talent (PA=71, AV=.424, SL%=.610) Trying to determine what is relevant and indicative of his abilities. I will say his school season against talented older pitchers made him ready for the summer against his own age group.
Also, we are getting ready to showcase in the next few months. Should he take bio information with him and give to coaches in whose programs he is most interested, or wait to get home?
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