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This kid is a freshman?? Pretty unorthodox style, but the kid can whip it. How far did that first ball go?

If the style starts getting in the way of timing, trim it down. Judging by what you have posted, the swing itself looks solid. Does he have any specific problems you are looking to address (that won't be cured with more reps, at bats?)
Looks like an impressive freshman with obvious raw power!

I am guessing that as he faces better pitching he'll have to cut down on that deep hand load/arm bar. And I'm usually not a huge fan of the big leg kick but he does seem to keep his weight back pretty well considering(at least on the basis of the video.)

Has he seen any pitchers with very good offspeed?

I would say there is a lot of movement in that swing. It's ok now if he's comfortable however, when he begins to see more velocity he will need to tone it down to make sure he can efficiently and consistently get a good load. May experience some timing issues otherwise.

I do see one thing you may want to work on now. Take a look at the clip I've slowed down quite a bit. As you first see the hands come into the zone you'll see that his top hand elbow is leading the way in front of the knob. This is what is referred to as bat drag. Tougher to hit inside balls with authority, especially at higher speeds. You want the first movement with the hands to be the knob coming back at the pitch. Notice how the hitter in the clip after your soon moves his hands into the hitting zone. The knob of the bat moves ahead of the elbow. This is called bat lag. Creates lots of bat speed and the ability to hit more pitches with back spin and pop.

Hope this helps.
The first one was a line drive shot out over the 342 sign in left center. If i had to guess I would say about 380 was what it flew in the air. The second was a towering no doubter that left more down the line. It flew a confirmed 380 and then rolled to about 400.

He does well with off speed but not great. He hasn't ripped home runs on a curve yet but does get solid base hits and actually reached out poked one of the sweet spot that hit off a 330 fence. So yes, he does have a lot of raw power.

The main interest in posting was to see what you all think about the movement of the swing. I think it compares most to Matt Holiday and he does well with. I know mine drops the hands a little more(got that from bonds and can't get rid of it). Everyone that see him first says he is slow. Then they see him in a game and they say nevermind.

The fastest he has hit off so far was a kid that was being gunned at the game throwing 86-88. He hit a hard one hop line drive to the ss. His next at bat he walked on 8 pitches. Third at bat got hit by a curve on a full count. So he did well.

As for the little bat drag. Every year he gets less and less as he matures. We have video from 12-15 confirming this so I really am not worried about it. When he matures and gets more man muscles I truly believe it will take care of itself.
On Monday night he hit his 3rd Home Run of the season. This one was a bomb. It left center field over the 381 sign. Flew at least 400 ft, most of the people were estimating it at 420. He is now 10-22 on the year with 3 HR's, 3 doubles, and 4 singles. Add in 5 walks and only 2 K's and he has had a good start to his varsity career.

If you watch the video you will see he now has a mask on for the 3rd HR. He just broke his nose 4 days before that game and was scheduled for surgery the next morning.

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