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When my son was a freshman he had the great fortune of playing for a great coach who had just retired from coaching years of college ball. Towards the end of the season we were in the middle of one of our league games when the very fit looking 60yo Coach had a massive heart attack and passed away. The players had decided to wear their uniforms to the funeral and my son showed up at the funeral in his uni as planned. He was the ONLY one in uniform. There had been a change in plans but OF COURSE nobody passed on that info to my son! The Coach's wife was so touched and gave him a huge hug, but I broke some of the speed limit laws running to get him a change of clothes so he wouldn't stand out like a sore thumb. Big Grin
Going to high school in a small Oklahoma town, we had to travel to other small cities for games. One day we travelled a few hours for a day game and we arrived very early and were hungry. They invited our team in the lunchroom which was both cool and akward but we managed to see and meet with girls at that school. We had some stares but no incidents so we invited them to watch us even though their team was playing. I had my eyes on one particular girl and I could tell she was a little interested so I was wanting to make a good impression. First mistake, I wasn't a starter. It didn't hit me till gametime. How embarassing! Somehow they stuck around with their team getting blown out watching us hit everything the pitcher through. Finally I get the call to come in late it the game. So I look up and there they are giggling, not sure what about, so I step up to the plate - second mistake. I go down swinging. Head down many emotions going through my head. Finally look up and no more girls. No opportunity to show off my speed! Needless to say how much fun my teammates had. At least I had a moment with a girl from another world. Feels better than any hit I could've gotten. Baseball was not my calling.....
This doesn’t relate to the actual uniform, but close enough…

Last summer my son, his mother and girlfriend were flying back to see his grandparents in Iowa. He was wearing his hat and baseball T-shirt from the University of Tampa.

It just so happens it was around the same time as the Bachelor show was concluding on TV, and the chosen Bachelor was a University of Tampa baseball alumni. They actually shot one of the scenes for the Bachelor at the Tampa baseball field during the season (son had to line the field that day, but they wouldn’t tell him for what reason.)

Anyway, due to the hat and T-shirt, he got several looks and walkups in the two airports, some asked if he knew the Bachelor, some were just “interested.” Not that he needed it, but I think it raised his image with his girlfriend as he said she held on to him a little more through the airport.

Not a high school uniform, but worth a read...

    Our son Nick (and his younger brother too) played for a well regarded travel team here in the Chicago area and that team had real cool uniforms. Green, white, and orange and very professional looking. Without question, all of the players were very proud to wear this organization's uniform. They really standout.

    Long story very short...he switched teams. But he still loved those uniforms. Two seasons after the switch he was one of the first 50 players to sign up for a certain baseball academy's wood bat league. As a reward he, along with the other 49 players, got to be in a certain MLB team's dug out prior to a game...and shag balls during batting practice. This team's home is south of Chicago's equator known as Madison St.

    In preparing for this very exciting event my son dragged out all of the uniforms he owned. He hemmed and hawed and finally decided. The real cool one. The green, white, and orange one. The one that is worn by the team he no longer played for.

    He was concerned that if he wore it to this event that someone may recognize him and give him a hard time. It is a small baseball world afterall. He proudly donned the uniform after I reassured him that no one would recognize him.

    Off to the field we go (on his birthday by the way). After arriving he was escorted to the dug out while the rest of our family stayed in the stands.

    We watched the batting practice, proudly recognizing our son in the distance in his real cool uniform. He really stood out.

    When batting practice was over he was ushered up to our reserved seats. He had a great time, but there was one uncomfortable moment. Even though Nick knew some of the other players, none of them mentioned anything about his uniform. But one person did.

    "Hey cool uniform! That's the team my son plays for. You must know him." Nick had to explain to this MLB team's General Manager that although he knew his son from competing against him years earlier in the Little League play-offs he was not presently with his son's team. Nick was a little upset with me on my "no one will notice" advice. The next year, remarkably, Nick actually did become a teammate of the General Manager's son.

    We laugh about it now and I'm glad you brought the topic up cabbagedad.

Last edited by gotwood4sale
There were many many times we'd stop somewhere for food or to pop into a store while LSA Son was in uniform. Cashiers just trying to make smalltalk often asked him "Oh, do you play baseball". When he was little we appreciated them noticing and because he was so proud to say he was on a baseball team, he'd say "YES!". By the time he was 16 it got a little old as cashiers realized right after they asked that it was kind of a silly question as he was in full uniform. They probably meant to say "Did you win today?" or something similar instead. Not wanting to be rude and point out the obvious he always just smiled and said "Yes Ma'am I do".

Last year, he tried a new response. We were picking up our food in a drivethru lane at McDonalds and upon seeing him in full uniform, the cashier said "Oh, do you play baseball?". He looked away out his window and then looked back with a hugely silly face and said "I'm getting ready for Halloween!". Funny thing is, she believed him and told him "Wow! You look so real! Have Fun!". It was all I could do to take the change and drive away without bursting into laughter.
Last edited by Leftysidearmom
Years ago I was coaching a team of 16's but my son played on an elite team that traveled down to the U.S. this weekend my team was in a tournament in Toronto and my son was in Pennsylvania at a tournament. He had gone with to the the tournament with one of the other families and I was going to drive down to join them right after my team's last game. Anyway our team's game went extra innings and I got on the road for the 6 hour drive at 9pm. I did not take the time to change out of my uniform, just wanted to get 'on the road'. I get to the border and customs asked where I was going, told them I was going to see my son pitch in Pennsylvania. The custom officer looked a me a little strangely and said 'bit of a fan are we?', I looked at him and said well ya. then said I must be a huge fan to dress like I was. It was then I realized what he was saying as I looked down at myself wearing my team's uniform,explained why I was dressed that way and we both laughed as he too coached baseball and understood.
I have many like this "small" one.
At USC A Pitching Coach Asked: Why do Coaches like tight uniforms when looking at new players( old school style) more then thses new baggy ones?
In room full of People My son SAYS: I know why the girls like them they show off our Glutes ( then pats is backend ) so I guess tight uni's show off our physics and you can tell who is in shape?
BTW he was right

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