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I may be facing an interesting dilema in a couple years so I wanted to get your feedback on this matter. I'm sure it's been discussed but I can't seem to find so I apologize if it's too redundant.

Anyway, here's the scenario; when my son goes to high school, he'll pick from either the local public school or the local parochial HS. If he chooses the public route, the baseball coach expects the players to play for the "school" summer team which is coached presumably by dads. If he goes to the parochial HS, the coach encourages them to play for area travel teams.

I know there's positives & negatives for both but I'm curious what your thoughts are. Obviously it depends on whether or not he even makes the team and I said that I'll be facing a dilema but in actuality, it will most likely be his decision to make regarding which school he'll attend.
***************************** "Hey dad.......wanna have a catch?"
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If your boy has the talent and desire to get his process started quicker, that meaning exposure and competing against better players, opt for the premier team, not the HS summer team.

A few wise coaches once told me that a HS team gets better when all the players spend their summer apart, honing their skills separately with better competition.

When they reconvene for the following Spring, they all bring different experiences, and usually better skills all together at once.

When and if becomes a personal decision. Just remember that the player needs to feel ready. Exposure can work 2 different ways, good and bad, plus a premier player should have been "tinkered" with already as to swing mechanics. There is a major difference between 75mph and 92mph.

I have seen HS all-stars look pretty overwhelmed at times, and that could be a shot of baseball reality that comes to soon for any kid.

The HS coach usually only recommends players to premier if they know they can handle it.
Originally posted by OLDSLUGGER8:
The HS coach usually only recommends players to premier if they know they can handle it.

In our case, I don't think the public HS coach gives them an option. Again, my son is a couple years away from it yet, so I'm just going based on what I've heard. And who knows...maybe in a couple years he'll change his opinion on it or there may even be a different coach by then.

What part of Ohio are you in OldSlugger?
As a Dad, I am not wearing my College Select Hat,I can only go by the experience of my son at 15 years of age in terms of advice--he was invited to play on a "select" 18 under team and just one evening he tells me he is going to try out for the team---well he makes the team and in the outfield, his position, are two college freshman along with the HS guys. He sits the first couple of games and then one of the college guys cant make it for the DH the next Sunday--my guy gets into the lineup and never left

I asked him why he did what he did and his answer was simple--#1--I know I can play with them and # 2 I can learn from the older guys

After that I just sat back,watched and enjoyed

Had a great three summers watching him mature as a young man and player-- but he made his decision based on what he knew about the team which was "THE ELITE" team in the area-- I also tyhink he knew more than he let on--like the college players had jobs and might not be around that much

Always check the "lay of the land" guys and by the way we are now some 12 plus years later and the coach from that team and I still talk every now and then,

Know what you have in terms of opportunities--each situation is different
Last edited by TRhit
Keep in mind that the decision to be made for us (most likely) will be which school should he choose?

Both schools are excellent academically so that's not an issue. Other sports may factor into his decision but what I'm trying to get at is....

Option 1 - If he goes to the public school, his only choice will be to play for the school team in the summer (supposedly).

Option 2 - If he goes to the parochial HS, his summer team choices are unlimited.

I guess more to the point, if he opts to go public, is playing for a school summer team all that bad of an option?
Last edited by Beezer
I'd say it all depends on his talent level & goals. Exposure is the name of the game!!!

I faced a similar situation 6 years ago...
My kids (one daughter, one son) were in Christian schools until High School. I moved to a suburb to accommodate the high academic & fine arts needs of my daughter, & the athletic needs of my son.
She graduated top 10% in 2004, & received several very good academic scholarships. Son signed NLI to Tulane & also has a very nice scholarship next year. He's also had several "home visits" with scouts.

Son has been on a "travel team" since he was 11(& was playing up) I believe it has contributed to his development in a big way! Mentally & skill wise. He's very talented & truely blessed.
We met his HS coach the summer between 8th-9th. Coach wanted him to play the HS summer team, but we had mapped out a strategy for the next 4 years & have managed to stay with it. He has pretty lofty goals.
Last edited by baseballmom
One of the problems with school summer teams is that playing positions are often locked up. In other words, if you have a kid who would like to try his hand at a premium position say C,P,SS,CF, but isn't seen as such by the HS coaches, the summer coaches likely won't give him a chance to get experience there. Go where your kid had the best chance to play the positions he likes.
Down here, there are very good select teams. The competition among these top tier select teams is excellent. The competition among the HS summer teams (at least those with which I am familar) is very weak.

My son has always chosen to go select, which I agree with. But then I'm a believer in playing against the toughest competition you can find.

There is the political factor to deal with, if the HS coach is putting lots of pressure on (as some do).
Last edited by Texan

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