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One of our guys was looking at one of the sites that rate Websites by categories. He was checking to see where the PG site ranks in the category of HS Baseball. We were not ranked because we are not considered in that category.

I was pleasantly surprised when I saw who was #1.
#1 (most popular) site in the category of High School Baseball -

We can all thank ourselves and we can all give a special thank you to Julie.
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Wow! This calls for a parade...and a game to follow!

Fetch the popcorn TR...I'll snag a coupla' cold Black Labels®. We're all here...turn on the projector Mabel. Sorry for the background noise...I couldn't figure out what was making that racket. Probably the clams in the electric skillet. Are you supposed to knock 'em out first?'ve earned it HSBBW!

Last edited by gotwood4sale
Originally posted by gotwood4sale:

Maybe we should reach back towards the younger players and their families so they can have full advantage and benefit during those crucial high school years. I think this website has evolved to the point you refer to CD.

I sometimes visit a youth board. I tell posters of freshmen who appear to be decent players it's time to graduate to this site.
Very cool! And I agree with PGStaff:

You can all thank yourselves for our success!

It is our members who make our site special, by asking and answering questions... by unselfishly sharing their experiences of what worked for their player and their family... and bravely telling stories of times that did not turn out as they hoped.

Also, special thanks to...

Perfect Game USA for providing financial support for this website, without ever expecting recognition or "special treatment" in return. The current cost for hosting, software and technical support for the site is over $800/month, and PG covers a significant part of that cost every year.

And a heartfelt Thank You to our volunteer moderators, who are another huge reason that our community is special. Many baseball related websites feature "trash talk". Our moderators calmly help keep discussions respectful, and make this a welcoming and safe place for parents and players to discuss high school baseball and the recruiting process.

Thanks everyone, for helping make us number one! Smile

Last edited by MN-Mom

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