As players confident in our abilities, we try out for the strongest team that we feel suits our skill sets.
In the event that we are accepted on the team by the coach, do we realize that we are placing our time and talents in the hands of the team coach?
We are accepting that the coach wil have our best interest at heart, even if those best interests are not apparent to us.
We should always upon being accepted on a team ask where the coach sees us as far as position, playing time and rank in seniority.
If those questions are asked and answered honestly, we can then be in a position to accept the acceptance or seek out another team that may offer greater opportunity.
Once we accept a position on the team, we in reality forfeit any questions we may have as to playing time, position status and/or style of game execution. We have accepted the coach's wisdom as the only decision in the matter.
If at any time we forget that the coach is always right or we feel a need to question the coach, we have broken the agreement and should prepare to leave that team.
While we may be all star material, we have to agree and accept that the coach and his program are what we are joining. The team is not joining us.
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