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This family is baseball related so that's why I'm posting it here. A family in Mississippi lost home and business this week. Please email me if you have been sitting there and wanting to help. 100% of donations go to this family.
Email me at and I will give you the address to send a check to. No check is too small. I don't care if its a dollar. The originator has set a goal of 10,000 by Wednesday next week. Lets help them.
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They are in great spirits after informing them about the efforts of the HSBASEBALLWEB. They have a new outlook on what we throw around as the "baseball community". I poke alot a fun at UT Pan Am but he has been a champ in this cause. Thanks everyone who has prayed about it or took part in it. BTW we'd have over 6K if all viewers had sent in $10.00. Wow!
I just received this across my e mail.

To All:

First of all, thank you from me for the rapid and compassionate reply and support for this. The response has been what every body would expect - nothing short of amazing.

The "Relief Fund" now has about $6,000 in it. Even though we did not reach the goal of $10,000, I feel, and so should you, very good and humbled by the outpouring of concern and monetary support.

With the funds still trickling in, I anticipate being able to offer Eddie and Barbara these resources by this Monday. The Good Lord knows that they need it and can use it.

I know everybody put in to the account what they felt they could handle. There were checks from Boston, San Diego, Philadelphia, Washington D.C., El Paso and all points in between, near and far. We even received a $10 check from a lady nobody seems to know from Kentucky. My heart was softened by the funds donated by a single mother of three who stated in her note that she has received help numerous times from friends and family, and that she by no means faces the up hill challenge and battles that Barbara and Eddie must face even though this mother receives no child support.

Thank you to all once again....Below is a reply from Pete, Eddie's brother in law with an update.

I am sure Eddie and Barbara will be contacting you in some way to also say "THANKS" !!!

btw - Please pass this e mail along to every one you may have forwarded it to as I want to reach everybody that may have offered their money, prayers and support.

- Please pass this to all - This message is from Lisa (Eddie's sister) and her husband Pete Nielsen of Rockwall, TX.

Dear Friends,

We cannot begin to tell you how much your help has meant to Eddie and Barbara and to our entire family. We are able to communicate by telephone each day now. We now know that both our families are alive and unhurt. Both Eddie and Barbara remain upbeat and positive in the face of unbelievable loss of life and destruction.

This passed Saturday, the very day they ran out of food and water, we were able to deliver a truck load of food, water, clothes, fuel and generators to them. That evening Lisa received a tearful phone call of thanks from Eddie, Barbara and the kids. Please share our joy as your generous gifts made this possible.

All are determined to remain in Mississippi and rebuild.

Ladies and gentleman we are so very grateful for your kindness, generosity and prayers. We are genuinely overwhelmed by all you have done.

May God Bless You and Keep You

Eddie, Barbara, Amanda, Adam, Lisa and Pete

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