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Originally posted by Fungo:
I'll be up most of the night watching the weather channel and waiting on her texts.

That was me Wed. night, until my daughter left campus early Thurs. morning! Still looking for an aerial of Pelican Island

Any updates, folks?
Power may be out for days/weeks. This thing dealt a severe blow...I hope everyone is OK.
Yes, we get nearly 12 months of baseball weather down here but every now and then one of these **** things comes thru and trashes everything up. I need an indoor cage built to withstand 100 mph winds!

At this point, power blipped once for approximately 45 minutes. We are sitting on the leading edge in Gilmer, TX. It is suppose to hit us as still a cat 1 with the center passing over us or near to us with Gilmer on the "Dirty Side". This thing is relatively slow but massive. I have heard trees cracking and falling for the last hour.
She said spam, vienna sausages and pop tarts was her dinner last night. No ice to be had. Cell phone was out for about 6 hours. Power could be out for a week in her area (Bellaire). Part of her porch is gone and her fence was blown down but everyone is safe. Minor to what some have gone through. Haven't heard how New Orleans fared ---
this link is streaming all 4 Houston news stations... Channel 11 seems best.
Khou has set up a message board, by county. scroll down to the home page for the list of counties.

The only word we have gotten on daughters college is that A&M is "suspended until further notice". We did hear that her apt is under water...
There are reports of damage to the causeway, & the city of Galveston is closed. Only emergency personnel & supplies allowed in.
My neices & nephews are' home had a tree crash thru one corner, so they relocated, but are fine, thankfully.

Anyone heard from gloveman, kevin in missouri city, or leftydad?
Last edited by baseballmom
My sister-in-law and her family are currently enroute to San Antonio from Kingwood (suburb northeast of Houston), as they have been without power since Friday night and everything in their fridge has gone bad. From what I hear, there is a huge influx of evacuees to San Antonio right now -- people who rode out the storm, but who are now leaving because the conditions in the Houston area so bad.

My sister-in-law's house was spared, but many in their neighborhood were damaged by falling trees. She said it could be days, even weeks, before power is restored. Reportedly, there are hundreds in line at gas stations, grocery stores, etc.
Well I'm still here. Family is safe and checked in with a bunch of the Elkins families and all are OK in Missouri City.

Still no power in a lot of Missouri City, but slowly coming back on.

Any word of damages to area fields? Elkins had one dugout ripped apart that will need to be replaced. Unfortunately the storage shed with all the equipment was attached to that dugout so a bunch of gear is ruined. In the grand scheme of things, very very small compared to what could have happened.
We made it through the storm with minimal roof damage and no power. I was to deliver a class in Columbia, SC this week and was to leave on Sunday. My flight was obviously cancelled. With school out for the week (no lights, no learn) and my wife on a "temporary involuntary vacation" from work (she worked for a poorly managed home builder in this area) and a me with a paycheck to make, we decided to go on a 1200 mile road trip to SC! Got here yesterday, and found out our power was back on at around 8:30 pm CST.

Now, here's the definition of: IRONY- Leave home because of no power. Hotel 1200 miles away loses power briefly, just 5 minutes after learning your power at home has been turned back on. I jid you not it happened! those of you in the Columbia area, know what I'm talking about with that "little" storm last night.
Woo! Hoo! Got power back to our area in The Woodlands last night!

We did have some damage to our house - two large trees down - a large pine went down between our house and our neighbors and hit part of our roof going down. We did have some water coming in but were able to get a tarp on it. Good news is that I will get to redo my master bedroom and bath because of that roof damage.

Also had a large oak tree knock down our fence and into our neighbor's pool. Got to know some wonderful new neighbor's from Argentina as we've been cleaning up the damage. Also got to know some new neighbors and reconnect with old. We had very limited cell service and no land line service so communication was tough. We had to just knock on friend's doors who did have better service or generators to get some calls made to worried family members. How often do we ever just drop in on friends in this day and age?

People have been wonderful - all the men immediately got their chain saws out and removed the trees from across the neighborhood streets and also some main roads.

Just got back from a friend's house around the corner whose street looked like a war zone - major damage to about 4-5 houses in a row by trees in the middle of their houses with severe roof and water damage. Her house had to be stripped to the studs and will be rebuilt. They are very grateful no one was hurt because they were home.

I am awed by the fury of nature and also amazed by God's goodness. Major cool front in the Houston area with temperatures 20 degrees cooler than normal - just wonderful to be outside!

Also, Sunday night with over 4 million without power - we have a beautiful full moon to light our skies!

Another example of nature that we thought was interesting - we had noticed a huge spider web in our backyard (one we weren't walking into) a couple of days before the storm that we were just having fun watching. Two days after Ike, the spider and the web were back. Where did that spider go to survive those hurricane force winds?

We are also aware of how hooked we are on TV and the computer and don't sit around and visit anymore with family, friends and neighbors. So tonight it's back to watching the Astros - (yes, we're grateful) - but will we have learned any lessons from Ike? I guess time will tell!

Very thankful tonight in The Woodlands! Hope everyone else in our baseball community is in good shape!
Last edited by curveball07
This is the 2nd evacuation for my family in 3 weeks! Son faired much better evacing for Gustav & had fun fishing. Tulane and Scott Cowen has it's act together. Praise God!!

Daughter, on the other hand, is without clothes, contact lenses, furnishing, momentos, her writings & photos...all possessions were left when TAMUG said "classes cancelled, GO". She brought her textbooks, laptop, & refrigerated food. I'm kicking myself in the rear for not heading down there Wed. night to pack all her stuff up, but so thankful she left before the traffic jams Thurs night & Fri.
The Island, as you know, is closed & what's worse, the road that takes you from Galveston to Pelican Island is crumbled...impassable. I'm trying to line up a boat, so that eventually, when the city is re-opened, I can get to Pelican Island to salvage, throw out, take pictures, etc. It may be months before the road repair on 51st Street bridge to Pelican Island are done. The only things there are the Campus, 2 apartment complexes and a gas station. Texas Clipper (marine ship lab) was moved.
If any of you Houston folks know someone down there willing to lend a hand with a boat, please let me know. 214-763-6578.

Classes resume for the 1700 TAMUG students on Wed, Sept 24, in College Station. We are going down tomorrow morning to find her an apt. & get her class schedule. Moving forward...

Houston & Mayor White seem to be doing an excellent job, as are many of the smaller communities. Recovery is happening pretty quickly, a real blessing!! I'm so thankful that all our Houston folks are OK. It's great to hear from everyone.
Last edited by baseballmom
Still 500,000 without power in the Houston area as the story has faded from the headlines as the financial crisis has taken the limelight. Lots of frustrated people as the temperature have soared.

We have power and things are fine in my area but I have friends and family still without power. Traffic is a nightmare in the city with so many lights still out.

Haven't heard from ORmom - hope they have power.

Baseballmom - do you have an update for us on your daughter and her possessions? Hope she found a place in College Station as classes resumed.
Yes, things are slowly working out...She is stresed out & trying not to be emotional. I think it finally hit her Wednesday. We were in lines for 5 1/2 hours to get a housing assignment, class schedule, parking permit, new TAMU id, etc. TAMU folks are walking the talk!! Aggies take care of Aggies!! They are really working so hard to take care of 1777 students. It's amazing!
Bright side is she is in a brand new apt! I'm headed down to CS today to help her move in. Then tomorrow, we go to Galveston to move her out of that apt.
We've been given conflicting info on first floor flooding (where she was located)...still no sewar or electricity. Apt owner is being a real patoot & as of yesterday, A&M legal may become involved. Renters have no rights to abatement & lease termination "penalty" is $400. Ridiculous, considering "uninhabitable" status!
Through it all, though, we have so much to be thankful for! Casey will be fine.
My heart goes out to all those over on Bolivar & Sea Isle, Jamaica Beach.
I lived through Carla, '61, as a child I so remember boats in uptown Corpus Christi, on the courthouse steps, in the Plaza, Nueces Hotel, homes & Holiday Inn demolished & off into the Gulf (again)! This will be similar, I'm afraid.
Praying for restoration & peace for all that have suffered such devastating loss of family, friends, & homes.
Last edited by baseballmom
I'm in the Conroe/Woodlands area too. Far enough north to avoid flooding problems from storm surge but lost three big trees with one through the roof and ceiling. We are tarped and patched up until we can rebuild that section of the house.

The pulling together of the community was overwhelming. Neighbors brought us a generator within hours of the storms passing. We were without water for 4 days and power for 5. The water was the worst. We communicated our situation by text to a friend. She contacted someone she knew that was skilled with a chainsaw. This angel drove three hours to remove the tree off our house before it collapsed the house causing further damage. It took him two days to completely remove our trees. When conversation of compensation came up, he said "I heard people needed help so I just came."

My heart goes out to those with friends and loved ones missing. Read this story as I can only imagine those with similiar stories that did not survive to tell. Missing
We finally got power back this weekend. Two weeks was long enough for me! Have a fence down,a hole in the roof and some water damage but nothing really terrible like we've all seen here locally, much less closer to the coast-I know we're lucky. Insurance adjuster comes tomorrow so then the rest of the fun begins...
I'm just glad to have ac, lights, tv, computer,dishwasher, fridge, ice, cell phone service and a washing machine/dryer again!
Last edited by ORmom
Judging from water marks, my daughters apt was flooded. The odor was horrible. We packed up most of her things & got out of Dodge. After we got back to College Station, we started sifting & throwing out stuff that was just too moldy/smelly.
Overall, she is very fortunate. About 800 students & faculty have lost their homes. TAMU and College Station has really opened their arms, hearts & homes to everyone from TAMUG. We can only be grateful.
Baseballmom - I am so glad to hear that the Aggie community is coming through for your daughter. Hopefully some of her prized possessions made it through the flood. Hopefully you got out without the termination penalty that you mentioned earlier - I definitely think that is a fight you can win!

ORmom - glad to hear you finally got power - two weeks is way too long!

Roll-it-up - I agree about the pulling together of the community was wonderful. I am glad you had an "angel" help you with the tree!

"Lucky and grateful" are common sentiments when you see the houses devastated by trees in our area much less all the damage on the coast.

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