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Shoveling is great exercise when the sidewalk is 200 feet (corner lot). I exercised so much last winter I got tendonitis in my elbow. This year the only real snow was six inches in October that melted the next day. Since that was fall the winter accumulation has been "trace of snow."
Last edited by RJM
I feel your pain. My lawn guy goes to college next fall.

As far as my last 24 winters in Arizona go, I saw flurries once, in 1989 for a few seconds. Most of the winter, we have highs in the 60's and 70's but still see snow covered mountains from the driveway. We all say, "Ah ain't that pretty" and then hustle inside before we get too cold.

We've had a pretty dry winter, even for us. My rain gauge says .08" total since Christmas and that's because it was a gift and I jiggled it a few times to see if it worked on Christmas day. Nothing since.

The problem with rain gauges in AZ is that by the time you need them, they've worn out.
Last edited by Swampboy
Originally posted by Bear:
Got a lovely snow blower for Christmas.
I tried to take it back today (guess where)

They first said no. Then thought about it, and offered me 1/2. I can't believe it.

Seems like everyone I know with a snow blower has a 'list'.

Did you have your 'list' prepared? You know, I'll do Harry's sidewalk because he's too old. Bob helped me put my fence up. Gotta do his. But Mrs. Smith's cat tears up my garden, so she's off the list...

I'm on the list. Smile
I grew up in Illinois so I am familiar with snowblowers but my son, living in Washington State hasn't had much experience with them.

One thing I kept from home was this little Toro electric shovel thing. I never used it in the 10 years I had been here and my wife pressed me to get rid of it but I kept it 'just in case'.

Just in case came this year when we got 18 inches of snow overnight. The boy was introduced to the electric shovel which was a site better than the other thing, the regular shovel.
Originally posted by AntzDad:
Originally posted by Bear:
Got a lovely snow blower for Christmas.
I tried to take it back today (guess where)

They first said no. Then thought about it, and offered me 1/2. I can't believe it.

Seems like everyone I know with a snow blower has a 'list'.

Did you have your 'list' prepared? You know, I'll do Harry's sidewalk because he's too old. Bob helped me put my fence up. Gotta do his. But Mrs. Smith's cat tears up my garden, so she's off the list...

I'm on the list. Smile

Originally posted by Prepster:
Originally posted by AntzDad:
Originally posted by Bear:
Got a lovely snow blower for Christmas.
I tried to take it back today (guess where)

They first said no. Then thought about it, and offered me 1/2. I can't believe it.

Seems like everyone I know with a snow blower has a 'list'.

Did you have your 'list' prepared? You know, I'll do Harry's sidewalk because he's too old. Bob helped me put my fence up. Gotta do his. But Mrs. Smith's cat tears up my garden, so she's off the list...

I'm on the list. Smile

Is that list the one he check's twice.
To find out who is naughty or nice?
..... coming to town.

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