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Well, I almost made it out unscathed by parental unhappiness. We played for the conference championship today (sadly, we lost 9-7, and they had only 2 earned runs -- bummer). This was the ONLY game all season (out of 20) that I didn't manage to get EVERY player into the game. Today, for the all-the-marbles game, I had nowhere to play one player who has not hit well and has made quite a few errors this season. He sat the whole six inning time-limit game. Get home to find a scathing e-mail review of my coaching from the dad. Sweet! So, I guess I've joined the club!!

Last yar's coach carried nineteen players and five or six of them never played more than maybe five or six innings all season!

I did my best....but I guess my best wasn't good enough (for one parent anyway).
"I would be lost without baseball. I don't think I could stand being away from it as long as I was alive." Roberto Clemente #21
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For what it is worth......been on both ends, many times...regardless, I always send my boy's coaches thank you cards/email's...coaching is hard, stressful, often thankless work...particulary in an age where team is a four letter word....

For what it's worth, thanks Krak...conference chamionship team...the kids played all season...I am sure that that one player got his share of PT...


Sounds to me like you went above and beyond. If the kid wasn't hitting and made lots of errors I don't think in the championship game it would be fair to all the other kids (who MAY have been harder workers or had better attitudes???) to put the game on the line. Most parents understand that when it gets down to post season play (all-stars, hs play-offs etc.) you play to win.

Hang in there. And thanks for doing your best.
When it comes to the big games, playoffs etc. its your responsibility to put forth your best. the fact that you got every player in every game is amazing. there are kids who sat the majority of the year on my sons team.It is HS the better players play.We had a senior strong team this year, some of the juniors did not play, but they experienced winning the league, they are getting to be at playoffs, theyre getting to be part of something really good. And hopefully they can come back next year and repeat a winning season.As a HS coach you can never make everyone happy. You have always sounded like a great coach to me in your posts. Dont worry, the dad is just taking his frustration out on you.
What really made it extra harsh is that he wrote that his son is as good as anyone else on the team, then made a direct attack on my two sons who are on the team. This player was deliberated over by all three coaches at spring cuts and was the last kid taken. He makes errors, then doesn't hustle after them. He didn't know he had to tag up on fly balls. He would frequently vanish as soon as practice was over to avoid carrying gear to my van. He would also be near the end of the warm-up run line, and often turned back as the leaders passed him after touching the line -- well before reaching the line himself. When we had a bake sale, he stayed exactly one hour then bolted while all the other players hung around as a team for many hours even though they'd met their one-hour commitment. He was also a kid who, whenever we tried to correct or instruct him, would say, "I know, I know."

All other players on the field yesterday were more deserving, and skill-wise much more apt to do what needed to be done to try and win that championship.
"This was the ONLY game all season (out of 20) that I didn't manage to get EVERY player into the game"

Is the object to make sure you get everybody in the game or win the game? I need an answer

"I had nowhere to play one player who has not hit well and has made quite a few errors this season."

seems like a no brainer to me. so what do you do get him in the game for the sake of getting him in the game? you work all year to get to this point and you make a decision based on getting a kid into a game? now if the score is lopsided either way then you do it but with the game on the line you do what you have to do to give your team the best chance to win.

Is that old fashioned? As one who has been around a long time am I missing something here?
Quote from Popeye:

"I is disgustipated."

That's the trouble with emails. You can write things in anger, and without having to think, hit a button and it's gone. Hopefully that parent regrets being a blowhard now that the heat is down. He isn't the first parent to remember only the good things his kid has done and forget the errors... Wink

Maybe a summation of the season stats is in order. Printed and available for all to see.

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