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@PitchingFan posted:

Did he just date himself? Adbono.  There are some young guys on here that are truly wondering what that is.

Theyā€™re called ā€œContact Managersā€ now. We tracked everything and scheduled next actions ona contact manager when my kids went through recruiting. I adapted ā€œActā€ I used for work to handle recruiting.

Last edited by RJM

@Giff regarding USNA - I don't know much about the services academy but I get the impression that there's a lot of prep work needed just to be in a position to be considered for admission.  If you didn't do all that you did, and the USNA coach showed interest, would the USNA opp be put at risk bec you and your son didn't do any of the stuff you did?  That would have been a big regret if that happened.  The irony is that the more we expend a lot of effort to prepare and put ourselves in the best position for an opportunity, the more painful and frustrating it is when the opportunity do not materialize.  But that doesn't mean we should not have done the preparation.

The part about their interest going away bec they saw your son go 0-2 was very interesting bec I've always been told that the coaches do not care about the result.  When they watch you play, they care more about your mechanics and not the result.  And if they already know what you can do, they actually want to see you fail (go 0-2) so that they can see your character and how you respond to adversity.  Is this all a myth of what good college coaches should do but it is not the reality most of the time anymore now?

Giff ā€¦ todays post is a fantastic, honest reflection and assessment of the journey. As Iā€™ve always told posters, if youā€™re kid wants it badly enough heā€™ll get it.

A story on not getting your HA first choice ā€¦

My sonā€™s objective was a couple of Ivies. He got injured. He needed baseball for acceptance to any Ivy. He ended up at a Big 10. His injury gave him five years to play four. He left with a great baseball experience, a BA and an MBA.

A couple of years ago I asked my son if he had any regrets on how things worked out. He didnā€™t. He got to attend a top twenty MBA program just by already being there for baseball. He figures he would be in the same or similar place career wise regardless.

Best of luck to your sonā€™s baseball and academic career.

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