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Hey now, I'm talking about Baseball.  My son threw to "Live Batters" for the first time since he tore his UCL 14 months ago.  I had him pitch to five batters (25 pitches), sit for ten minutes, and throw to another four batters (20 pitches).  We're fortunate that his former high school coach has been very supportive and has allowed my son to rehab and take advantage of the facilities. 

I honestly don't know where KD was in regards to velocity? My guess would be about 85-90% of where he'll plateau in the next couple months.  I can say that he looked better than I anticipated, but he did struggle a little with command at the beginning, likely due to being amped up at the opportunity to compete again.  This has been a very long road and he's still climbing the mountain....I'm excited and optimistic that my son will come back stronger.  With that said, I'm still a bit nervous.   Kerlan/Jobe has been relatively cautious throughout the rehab process knowing that they had a decent timetable to work with.  Fall practices/workouts begin at the end of September...I hope he'll be ready by then, and perhaps I'll be able to post in the College Forum?

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Best of luck to your son and family.  Dealing with injury is probably the toughest thing these college players deal with.   It sounds like we've had to deal with similar injury situations.  Our oldest (college) son missed most of last year with a condition not nearly as serious as your son's but none the less he missed a lot of games last year as a starting pitcher.  He's 100% rehabbed and ready to go, and he couldn't wait for Fall practice.   My son doesn't get excited about much, but getting back onto a baseball field has him amped for his senior year.   As excited as you are, I'm willing to bet your son will be 10x that to get on the field with his teammates in a few weeks.  Stay healthy and go 'eaters!



I am so very excited for you and KD! Command and velocity will come back with time. Facing those first batters is going to almost be like a "new" learning experience. But with time it all comes back and hopefully, even better! I'm looking forward to following him this year. Tell him to keep up the hard work.


Go Eaters!


You're absolutely right.  The injuries have been difficult to deal with, but we're starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel.  I did play catch with him this afternoon (3 days since throwing live) and his arm was still a bit stiff.  I'm hoping that's normal?  As for your son, I'm happy to hear that he is going into his senior year 100% healthy...I wish him the best.

birdman14 and I have shared several PM's the last couple years regarding our sons injury roller coaster ride. He was healthy again last time we spoke, and I believe this will be his senior of luck to him and all the other players coming back from injuries.

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