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Originally posted by 06catcherdad:
If your medical insurance is like almost everyone else's, you'll have to go to a primary care physician first, and seek a referral to an orthopedist from there. However you handle this, you definitely need to be seen by a doctor.

Yeah. It doesn't hurt or anthing. But if i move it in a circular motion, it makes cracking sounds. And i have noticed a drop in velocity,

Maybe i tore a labrum?
Last edited by smokky1
Originally posted by rz1:
Maybe i tore a labrum

Dr Smokky1,

Get a second opinion before you start mumbling on the bench with your arm in a sling that you should have went to the doctor in the first place.

excuse me, but i pitched a 70 pitches yesterday in a game. and will continue to start.i don't baby myself like most people. I wanna play. But i don't want to screw up my future.

the key word i said was "maybe" Roll Eyes i also used a the question mark. Because the symptoms i have are of a labrum tear.
Last edited by smokky1
i don't baby myself like most people. I wanna play. But i don't want to screw up my future.

Smokky1, Hop off your throne and take 1 hour out of your busy day and go see a doctor to insure you do not screw up your future. I don't mean to be sarcastic but right now I am involved with my sons medical issues and we are taking nothing for granted. I'll let him know you think he's a baby and then pass it along with any other athlete who respects their body enough to maintain it.

It's obvious there's a change in your body, and the cracking noise is the indicator. Maybe it's nothing but I don't think that someday you want to tell your kids that you could have been a darn good player but you were too tough for a doctors visit.
Originally posted by rz1:
i don't baby myself like most people. I wanna play. But i don't want to screw up my future.

Smokky1, Hop off your throne and take 1 hour out of your busy day and go see a doctor to insure you do not screw up your future. I don't mean to be sarcastic but right now I am involved with my "sons medical issues and we are taking nothing for granted. I'll let him know you think he's a baby and then pass it along with any other athlete who respects their body enough to maintain it.

It's obvious there's a change in your body, and the cracking noise is the indicator. Maybe it's nothing but I don't think that someday you want to tell your kids that you could have been a darn good player but you were too tough for a doctors visit.

of course i am going to the doctor. The whole point of this thread was to see WHAT kind of doctor should i see. my local doctor can't really SEE inside my shoulder.

"I'll let him know you think he's a baby and then pass it along with any other athlete who respects their body enough to maintain it."

i already said i am going to a doctor.that was the whole point of this tread. i wanted to see if anybody else had this problem. i said that i might have a torn labrum, because somebody on here told me that the cracking sound is a symptom. am i a doctor?No.. can i make assumpstions? yes. Maybe it's nothing. the doctor will probably tell that i am double jointed.

Ok...what does lol z mean?

"Laughing out loud...sleeping?"

lolz is another way for saying's an internet fad. Just like the OR LY owl.. obviously none of that has reached this site Razz
Last edited by smokky1

I can appreciate that lol z is an internet fad...I'm just an old internet'll have to excuse my lack of hipness.

I'm intrigued does adding a z to lol change or enhance its meaning?

And while I'm at it...please explain the OR LY owl.

Are these the troublesome owls at Paris' airport that lead to flight delays when they decide to fly from one side of the airport to the other?
Last edited by gotwood4sale

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