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The Eagles / Cardinals game just finished with the Cardinals winning. The camera was showing the players celebrate and shaking hands. All of a sudden it switched over to a shot of a Cardinals player smiling ear to ear and an Eagles player came over to him and jumped into his arms smiling ear to ear like he just won.

I don't know who either player was because I was so shocked I couldn't see the number of either player. I'm thinking they have a history somehow - played together in college or NFL at some point. I can understand being happy for a friend who just reached the Super Bowl even if my team got beat.


Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude. Thomas Jefferson

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I saw that same thing coach.
And I wasn't sure how to take it either.
They do probably have a history together, and who's to say the other player wouldn't do the same thing.

In these times that were living thru at this moment.
Winning losing tying are anything that has to do with sport's and the win at all cost Mentallity.
Just is not there.

It's time for all to be a little more Humble and count are Blessing's.

Professional sports they get paid win or lose. I guess if i was making millions a year I would not be too distraught. But in High school if you lose a big game what do you do? I guess it is perspective. I work with kids playing baseball for close to 40 years. I see kids and parents get bent out of shape with losses and failures. I always put things in perspective telling them if the worse thing that ever happens to them in their life is striking out or losing a tough game then they are lucky.
The guilty partying Eagle is Assante Samuels. When I turned on WIP on the internet he was getting skewered. Other than that the show has been like a funeral. It's more entertaining when the callers are ranting and raving. I think the Phillies winning took some of the edge of Philadelphia fans.

But once again, all week long callers had the Eagles already in the Super Bowl because in their minds the Cards were a much worse team ... just like when the Eagles played the Bucs ... just like when the Eagles played the Panthers. When will Eagles fans wait until the NFC championship game is played before they start predicting the result of the Super Bowl?
Originally posted by plash3:
Being the Eagles fan that I am the play that embarressed me the most was when Demps took a late, away from the play, cheap shot at Kurt Warner. If I was the coach that man would be on the pine the rest of the game. (Win or Lose)
I'll guess Demps was more embarassed being beat on the pitch back bomb to Fitzgerald.
Last edited by RJM
Originally posted by Danny Boydston:
Another incident I saw was #81 of the Cardinals getting in the face of the offensive coordinator and having to be held back by another player. You could read the coordinators lips and he was saying "Don't call me that, don't call me that".

This is what I was talking about!,135311
I saw both things, the Eagles looking real happy and Boldin yelling at the O-Coordinator. It wasn't just one Eagle, there were several who looked darned pleased with the way things worked out.

A lot of water cooler talk about both topics today. How can those Eagle players so easily accept defeat and have McNabb be labeled 'the guy who can't win the big one'.

Also, a lot of people in Phoenix suggesting Boldin should be suspended for the Super Bowl for his actions and allowed to walk at the end of the season. All agree that if the Cards had lost, this would've been a huge story.

Suffice to say, I believe you should respect the other team in victory or defeat and act graciously in either case. I don't believe you need to be running around with a big smile on your face 10 seconds after losing the big game.

Back in my day, if you could garner up enough composure to actually shake their hands (instead of wanting to punch them or go pout) you were considered a good sport. Now it appears the 'make sure you get a snack and trophy for participating' generation bounces back a lot quicker.

I'll be interested in how the Cardinals deal with the Boldin thing. It should be handled in house and the situation considered. This wasn't Manny beating up a 60+ year old press secretary over not being able to get tickets, but it is certainly inappropriate\unaccepatable to be yelling at a coach during a game. Wanting the ball is one thing, demanding the ball\playing time during a contest is another.

Fitzgerald, Boldin, pretty much everyone wants out of Arizona every year. Boldin's actions aren't going to inspire anyone to take him. They'll be lining up for Fitzgerald.
Originally posted by OLDSLUGGER8:
They both got paid regardless of the outcome!

That is the part that makes this happen. These guys get paid so much that they forget that the people paying their salaries might not be so accepting of jumping / wide smiles after getting beat.

Plus if a guy gets paid more than his boss then how in the world is he going to take the boss serious.

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