Thank you Panther Dad for sharing that link!
I get chills thinking of how much influence these two men, with their strong faith and character could change the downward spiral of professional, and for that matter amateur sports. We have always taught our kids that you may not always be the best athlete on the field but you WILL be the most respectful and well behaved. These two men emulated that and led their team to the top.
Our HS freshman wants to coach and teach, and I am always looking for leadership and good examples for him on his career path. It sure helps that he is under the leadership of a really great coach for the next year(maybe more
). I can't help but be very grateful for any strong, ethical, knowledgeable and fair coach that he learns from. I don't care if they are black, white, purple or pink!
A big congrats to both of these men for their life accomplishments on all levels.