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Colts 38 - Bears 20

This will be a great game until the 4th quarter when Grossman starts to turn the ball over.

I will say this - if somehow the Bears can get a lead early in the game not have to rely on Grossman to bring them back, they do have a chance at winning. I just don't see that, however. I think the Colts are going to score quickly early and the Bears will be forced to put the game on Grossman's shoulders. Not good for the Bears.

I can't wait until Sunday evening!!

The bad part - 6 months without football after tomorrow night. What a downer.

And no, baseball does not make up for football with me. I love baseball but I love football too!
Crawdad, I here ya. I really hate it when football is over. But there is always signing day, NFL combine, the draft, etc. I am a football mom first, baseball second. No wonder I don't get much feedback on this website.HA!!! My son played college ball a couple years with Bears safety, Chris Harris, so we're rooting for DA BEARS! Watch out for their special teams and Hester.
I have a very hard time rooting for any team called COLTS!!!

However, I will try to get past that and root for Indianapolis.

Indy 31
Da Bears 20

The Colts are lucky that DITKA is not still coaching Da Bears. If he were I'd say the score would be:

Colts 0

Last edited by funneldrill
You're right dtiger. Even though the Bears lost and their offense didn't play very well, you just have to be thrilled for Tony Dungy and the Colts. What a godly, Christian man and for this man, this year, with this team, he showed that doing it God's way can work even at the highest level. I think more than getting the last laugh, the Colts are just overjoyed to finally win the big one and esp. to do it for their coach.
Thank GOD the Superbowl is over!!! We can thank the NFL for bringing the race card back into this world.

It made me sick turning on ANY channel listening to the commentators about Tony and Lovie. So will we have a national Holiday since this acheivement? Sorry but I thought we were here in this world all given the same opportunity, black or white, and past the race issue. The NFL made too much of this and turned it into "history" and race.

Does Tony think he is the next MLK? I like Tony but his comments of what was accomplished went too far. He should have stuck with the strong Christian beliefs and left race out of it.

Thank God our Cowboys beat the Colts.
Train - I suspect you are just stirring up the pot, but I am going to disagree with you on this was an achievement to be noted because it was a first. The media asked Tony Dungy and Lovie Smith many questions about it this past week and they both handled the questions with class, dignity and patience.

I don't think the NFL played any "card".
Last edited by cheapseats
Thank you Panther Dad for sharing that link!

I get chills thinking of how much influence these two men, with their strong faith and character could change the downward spiral of professional, and for that matter amateur sports. We have always taught our kids that you may not always be the best athlete on the field but you WILL be the most respectful and well behaved. These two men emulated that and led their team to the top.

Our HS freshman wants to coach and teach, and I am always looking for leadership and good examples for him on his career path. It sure helps that he is under the leadership of a really great coach for the next year(maybe more Big Grin). I can't help but be very grateful for any strong, ethical, knowledgeable and fair coach that he learns from. I don't care if they are black, white, purple or pink!

A big congrats to both of these men for their life accomplishments on all levels.
Why so much attention on these 2 Coaches?

Why so much admiration over how they approach coaching?

Why so much press/Kudo's to their faith driven style?

BECAUSE: these guys must be very different if the media is putting this much attention on their styles/beliefs it must not be the norm...... maybe there are a lot of coaches out there that are destroying young men/women by their negative behavior and style.............scary isn't it....

Wish there were more Tony's and Lovie's out there for our young players then maybe more players would come out of sports with a better sense of personal selfworth and a stronger faith.
Last edited by oldbat-never

Great point!

Perhaps we have become so accustomed to the yelling, cussing, in-your-face coaching style that we assume that is the only way to inspire success.

Smith and Dungy may have proven that a softer style can inspire more.

There was another coach that used to be in the NFL that utilized a faith driven approach and wore a funny hat on game days. His teams won a little bit also...

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