Bullfighter I think the sense to the situation (not the anyalysts sense of it) is that Artest respects, if not fears Wallace and would not respond to big Ben, knowing he'd get his kester kicked.
But the fan, any fan, these players have no respect for the fan (and probably vice versa) so Artest goes beserk because some water is thrown on him. His going into the stands was ridiculous. going after the wrong fan showed it to be all the more ridiculous.
In any setting the law only allows you a "reasonable" response. Beating someone for throwing water at you is not a reasonable response in any situation, but it comes back to Artest and others having no respect for fans. That coupled with this constant mind set of "manhood" and perceived challenges to that sets these players loose. they know no bounds of reason, especially since throughout their lives, as pampered elite athletes, they learn no reason or boundries.
while in no way excusing Artest or the other players, who deserve serious punishment, it turns out that the fan who apprently threw the cup/liquid on Artest has 3 DUI convictions, an illegal weapons possession charge and other items on his "record". With that, I understand when/where a player could feel threatened and act, but Artest was not in a situation of threat laying on the scorer's table. The only situation of threat he would have been in is if he had decided to take on Ben Wallace. Having not had the courage to do that, he had to prove his "manhood" by attacking the poor innocent fan who was half his size.
the nba pampers its athletes far too much and I'm quite convinced they could replace them all with a little recruiting off the playgrounds of New York, Chicago, LA, Philly etc. and few fans would know the difference. these players have it too good and don't know it. Just yesterday Artest gave an interview to supposedly apologize and it turned into a promo for the CD he just produced.
We as fans can only put our money where our mouth is. I haven't been to an NbA game since 1986. don't remember the last dodger game I went to and in LA we've got no pro football. I'll take the college games any time. Artest, Kobe and the rest