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I started the website a while ago with a friend of mine. It has been pretty stagnant for the last few years but we are putting in some serious effort to make it a great resource for athletes. We are doing a drastic overhall of the site starting with a redesign, improve search and overall functionality, and have compiled a complete list of all NCAA coaches with their sport and college. We have many other thoughts on how to improve the site but I wanted to ask you guys what you would like to see on the site. If you're a parent, coach, fan, or student athlete what features do you think would be useful for our site?
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So, let me get this straight: Players and their families, who have every opportunity during the recruiting process to get first-hand information from current and former players and their families, will value a site that's a magnet for anonymous potshots.

Given the choice, I think I'd favor those who know the coaches best and are accountable for their comments.
thanks for all the comments and suggestions everyone. I find it funny, and could agree that most people would think the site is open to users just bashing their coaches. Surprisingly our average rating for all the coaches in our database comes out to be around a 76, which would be a C or a C+. This is the one positive thing we have learned that for as many people who bash their coach in the ratings, just as many players/fans/families are commending the coaches on the great work they do.

Just like any other website that allows users to generate content you are always going to have people posting negative stuff without being able to nail down the credibility of the user. We also wanted to allow players to anonymously rate their coaches because this allows them to submit a real, unbiased rating since they know their coach will not see it. It is kind of a double edged sword to allow people to post how they really feel but on the other hand this does open up the platform to 'coach bashing'. We will definitely take these suggestions into consideration, and any more opinions are greatly appreciated.
Originally posted by 2013 Dad:
Does it not have Florida coaches? I did not see Florida in the drop box. Why is one of the most important athletic states not listed?

You know what... thats a **** good question. There are a lot of flaws in our current site but we see a lot of potential in the idea which is why we are redoing the whole thing. Thanks for bringing this to our attention and we will make sure Florida is in our next iteration.

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