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I am sorry I just have to vent.   The other day I went to the Bank and this stupid loan officer had no idea what they were doing.  The guy was offering 15% and clearly the frickin idiot had no idea that they could have gotten 17%.  I mean where did this guy come from.  He is ruining everyone's life.  Obviously he is on the lowest level of Loan Officering so he is a complete moron and should be fired.  Myself and 3 other people all witnessed this and we are going to call the manager and we are going to demand a meeting.

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Not sure why the surgeon keeps going with that same scrub tech.  Last week he asked for a #20 scalpel and she gave him a #21 by mistake.

If my kid got a fair chance he'd never make that mistake, but no - they keep him mopping floors.

It's fine though, my boy had a good showing at the latest Perfect Med showcase, including being in the 86th percentile in brow wiping.  He's currently getting attention from a couple same-day surgical centers and a good sized dental practice.

Obviously the doctor has no clue what he's doing.

As a former banker...   You are incredibly naive if you think customer complaints don't get people fired. And believe me complaints are taken way more seriously in corporate America than in the education business. And I have done both. AD's and good principals (few and far between) understand there are going to be complaints and filter most of them. Corporate America middle management is mostly full of incompetents who couldn't sell you know what in a lumberjack camp.  They will throw you under the bus in a heartbeat to save their own skin or just make themselves look even one minute little bit better. So no hs baseball is not the real world - it's easier. And I am not saying it's easy cause I have done that too and appreciate it is a tough job. But parental complaints have far less impact on you and your future than customer complaints. But I guess to your point it would be fair to just simply say yes it is real life. 

2020dad posted:

As a former banker...   You are incredibly naive if you think customer complaints don't get people fired. And believe me complaints are taken way more seriously in corporate America than in the education business. And I have done both. AD's and good principals (few and far between) understand there are going to be complaints and filter most of them. Corporate America middle management is mostly full of incompetents who couldn't sell you know what in a lumberjack camp.  They will throw you under the bus in a heartbeat to save their own skin or just make themselves look even one minute little bit better. So no hs baseball is not the real world - it's easier. And I am not saying it's easy cause I have done that too and appreciate it is a tough job. But parental complaints have far less impact on you and your future than customer complaints. But I guess to your point it would be fair to just simply say yes it is real life. 

Due to the fact that my father was a manager of a bank for 20 years, yes I am naive.  Lol, it was a joke.

2020dad posted:

As a former banker...   You are incredibly naive if you think customer complaints don't get people fired. And believe me complaints are taken way more seriously in corporate America than in the education business. And I have done both. AD's and good principals (few and far between) understand there are going to be complaints and filter most of them. Corporate America middle management is mostly full of incompetents who couldn't sell you know what in a lumberjack camp.  They will throw you under the bus in a heartbeat to save their own skin or just make themselves look even one minute little bit better. So no hs baseball is not the real world - it's easier. And I am not saying it's easy cause I have done that too and appreciate it is a tough job. But parental complaints have far less impact on you and your future than customer complaints. But I guess to your point it would be fair to just simply say yes it is real life. 

This is right on the money.  In fact if you are competent and have an incompetent for a boss - one should be very careful.  Become a threat and you can find yourself on the sidewalk.

Anything short of professional baseball is not real life.  The worst thing that happens is you can't play baseball anymore.  In the real world when you get cut - people can go hungry, lose everything they own, have significant hit to lifetime earning power, etc.  It is no joke and very real.

luv baseball posted:
2020dad posted:

As a former banker...   You are incredibly naive if you think customer complaints don't get people fired. And believe me complaints are taken way more seriously in corporate America than in the education business. And I have done both. AD's and good principals (few and far between) understand there are going to be complaints and filter most of them. Corporate America middle management is mostly full of incompetents who couldn't sell you know what in a lumberjack camp.  They will throw you under the bus in a heartbeat to save their own skin or just make themselves look even one minute little bit better. So no hs baseball is not the real world - it's easier. And I am not saying it's easy cause I have done that too and appreciate it is a tough job. But parental complaints have far less impact on you and your future than customer complaints. But I guess to your point it would be fair to just simply say yes it is real life. 

This is right on the money.  In fact if you are competent and have an incompetent for a boss - one should be very careful.  Become a threat and you can find yourself on the sidewalk.

Anything short of professional baseball is not real life.  The worst thing that happens is you can't play baseball anymore.  In the real world when you get cut - people can go hungry, lose everything they own, have significant hit to lifetime earning power, etc.  It is no joke and very real.

You are so right. As a bank manager I took over a struggling branch. Like rNked 200 of 300 branches this bank had at the time. Top ten percent won a sales trip so 30. Was told the day I took the job I was going to have to fire my banker. One reason the last manager was moved along was because she was too 'soft' on her employees. I told him I want two months to work with that banker first to see if we can coach her up. Two years later after succeeding with that she was promoted to management. We did so well at the branch our business made an additional banker necessary. I knew who I wanted to hire. A teller manager from another branch. I was told no because she had no lending experience. I told the regional president that I am the one on the hook for performance here and I needed to be able to hire my people. Eventually he conceded no doubt hoping it failed. Within four months she was the second ranked banker in the entire region. We finished the year 32 of roughly 300. Two spots out of the sales trip. The next year he tripled all my goals so I could not make incentive and put me on an 'action plan' when I was not exceeding goals. Some were still met others were not - at the tripled value. Never got written up but saw the writing on the wall and left for a new job. All because I embarrassed him. Wasn't trying to. Just turned out I was right and he was wrong. I don't take putting people on the streets lightly. Guys like that don't care. 

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