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I'm sure most of you saw this game; I have a question regarding your thinking as a coach in the situation USC faced in bottom of 11th. Recap if you didn't see it: bottom 11th, score tied 2-2. SC on defense (home team). UVA has bases loaded, 1 out. SC MIF is playing back, maybe half way (definitely not on grass). UVA batter hits into 6-4-3 DP.

Obviously, Ray Tanner knows what he is doing. I am curious as to what you consider as a coach when deciding to play your MIF in/back w/ the winning run on 3B?

I know with 0 outs, you have to play IF in. I think it gets tricky w/ 1 out and bases loaded.

If I'm in Tanner's shoes, I'm considering the "stuff"/tendencies of my pitcher (sinker/slider guy vs. fly ball pitcher) plus speed and tendencies of batter (if batter is 3.9, home to 1b, highly unlikely he's getting doubled up). As I am typing, USC has turned another DP in top of 13th w/ 1 out and go ahead run on 3B!

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That's a pretty big gamble with the go-ahead run on 3rd. I think what makes it a little easier is the fact that SC will get another at-bat regardless since they were the home team. Not so sure he would have done that if Virginia was the home team and the guy at 3rd scoring would have ended the game.
All those variables you mentioned probably played a factor. The hard, dry infield at Omaha also may play into it since any ball hit on the ground will get to an infielder fairly quickly.
It's one of those decisions that make a coach look like a genius ... if it works!


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