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1.No divisions, the top 5 from the AL and top 5 from the NL make the playoffs. 4 vs 5 a single game playoff and the winner then goes to #1 to begin the playoffs (that would reward a team for finishing #1)
2. Start season a little earlier. Try to end by Oct 25
3. The all star game wouldn't decide jack squat.
4. Allow re-entry in the All Star game
5. Leave the DH like it is.
6. Expand replay, but keep it simple; Little League did a pretty decent job; you could even do it quicker. You get to appeal until you miss one, then you are out of challenges.
With great regret I have to say that I'd put a DH into the National League.

I love the pitcher hitting and the strategies it enables or entices. But kids are taken out of the hitting lineup as pitchers now in HS, college and the lower levels of the minor leagues. By the time they get to hit again, its been 3-8 years and its just gotten kind of silly.

Gone are the days (for the most part) where many pitchers can contribute from the plate...heck, not many can even bunt its just become sort of a boring part of the game.

If you say I'm nuts, a big part of me agrees with you. I wish it wasn't so...but I think its time to just move on.
Last edited by justbaseball
1. Leave DH rule as it is. I like the game when it depends on the pitcher hitting or not, sorry Justbaseball.

2. don't like replay even as it is now. Takes the human element out of the game and makes it even longer. Remember the pitch box they used for a while, that was a disaster.

3. Go back to the old 3-5-7 format for the playoffs. that would bring the game back to early Oct. Think having 7 game series for league champs takes away from the World Series.

4. Like the idea of 5 top teams from each division. (yes, I am old school most of the time, but I do like this idea)
If I was king of the forest.....

1) Hard salary caps per bitching and no moaning
2) Expand inter-league play
3) Use an Extra Hitter instead of DH for both leagues. Extra hitter can play field.
4) Two instant replay challenges per 9 innings per team
5) Instant replay on everything but balls/strike/balks
6) No dead time between playoff games because of TV
7) Banish John Sterling from the broadcast booth forever
8) Pardon Pete Rose
9) Change the process for HOF induction
I would stop the watered down play by going back to two 8 team leagues ---there would be no more .200 hitters in the bigs if we did this---I liked it when if you hit below .275 you were sent back down to the minor leagues--raise the regular season roster size to 27 players---no DH in either league
Last edited by TRhit
All postseason night games start no later than 7:00pm on the east coast. Tape delay it on the west coast except maybe in the town of a participating team. If baseball wants kids to be fans they need to be able to watch the games.

DH or no DH - pick one and stick with it. I prefer the DH.

Baseball owners can't become commissioners. It's not in the best interest of the game.

The all-star game should have nothing to do with the World Series. Free substitution for all-star games.

Open the gates early enough to watch both teams take BP.

The only postseason days off are travel days.

Don't schedule games in the frozen tundra the first week of the season.

No roster expansion in September.

Low budget teams must use their luxury tax money on players.

If a team has X number of consecutive losing seasons ownership must put the team up for sale.

(No, I'm not campaigning for mayor of Pittsburgh)

A team may request replays until they are wrong. No replay on balls and strikes. The system is too imperfect.

Handcuff Susan Waldman to John Sterling before banning him from the booth. Those two together are BRUTAL! What the hell! Add in McCarver and Morgan and make it a party. A funeral pyre.

Move the Dodgers back to Brooklyn. Smile

Ban wine and sushi from ballparks.
I've never understood the defense of Pete Rose.

Here is a man who quite knowingly violated a rule designed to protect baseball against something that has the potential to destroy it. Gambling, unlike any other illicit activity in MLB, changes the goal of any participant from what is the goal of the team into a goal of maximizing monetary gain at the potential expense of winning. This doesn't even include the fact that he thumbed his nose at MLB for the better part of two decades while cultivating a following based on his victim mentality.

People try to excuse his behavior on that he never bet against his team. Assuming that's true, and that is a big assumption given his behavior since then, there are HUGE issues:

1. By not betting on his team on some games, then he personally lowered his stake in those games. This leads to the question of "Did he manage the games he had money on at the expense of the games he didn't?"

2. By indebting himself to bookies, he put himself in a vulnerable position. Now, you have a manager who is in a situation where a quid pro quo may be used: You lose a few games where you're favored, and we'll forgive some or all of the debt.
All postseason night games start no later than 7:00pm on the east coast. Tape delay it on the west coast except maybe in the town of a participating team. If baseball wants kids to be fans they need to be able to watch the games.

Why not "tape delay" it from the night before for those on the east coast? It aint' all about the east coast..
I wouldnt pardon Pete Rose.......he did what he did.....but I'd find a way to make him eligible for the Hall of Fame....the "Hit King" needs to be in....

But he does not belong in active baseball....

and like Matt added, I would have MLB take over the PBUC....the end results would be better umpires in the game and better for the umpires working in the game....
Last edited by piaa_ump
Originally posted by Bulldog 19:
All postseason night games start no later than 7:00pm on the east coast. Tape delay it on the west coast except maybe in the town of a participating team. If baseball wants kids to be fans they need to be able to watch the games.

Why not "tape delay" it from the night before for those on the east coast? It aint' all about the east coast..
First you are wrong. A lot of business decisions are all about the east coast. I recognize this even having lived twenty years of my life on the west coast. Almost half the population of the country lives in the eastern time zone. That's half the kids in the US. Half the kids in the US can't stay up to watch the games. The kids are the future of the game. That's my point.

Tape delaying it to the next night is absurd. No one is going to go 24 hours without hearing who won. People on the west coast can avoid hearing the game commuting home from work.

I remember when MNF football tried a one hour tape delay on the west coast for a season except in the city of a participating team. There weren't any repercussions. I never saw any articles complaining about it. The game still came on at 6pm just like when it was live starting at 9pm.
Last edited by RJM
East coast/west coast has always been a problem. Academy, Emmy, Music Awards shows for the most part take place in the west coast time zones, yet, here on the west coast we see them on tape delay with a note on the top of the screen "Live except on the west coast." Even the talent shows that are recorded (which my wife always watches, thank got we have 3 T.V.'s) are decided before we get a chance to vote. Speaking of voting, national elections are decide before our polls are closed. Less than one minute after the polls closed out here the results are announced.

The only true answer to start times is games on the east coast start at 7:00 ETZ and west coast 7:00 WTZ. For the most part we would all be able to see our favorite or home teams at prime time live when they are playing at home unless you can afford the $500 or more per ticket to see them live.
How about this. Step out , look at the 3B coach , unstrapped the batting gloves , strap them back up , take a look back at the 3B coach , take a couple of practice swings , step back in with one foot , throw your hand up to the umpire and then step back in with both to hit. After every single pitch! It drives me crazy. And just wait for the playoffs. Not only does the hitter go through this type of routine the pitchers do as well.

Half the time your watching the game your watching this stuff going on. This is something I would address right off the bat.
1. Reinstate Joe Jackson. He received a "lifetime" ban in 1921. He died in 1951. Whose lifetime are we talking about?
2. Allow Pete Rose to be considered for the HOF, but not hold any job in baseball.
3. 1 year suspension for 1st offense PEDs. Lifetime suspension for 2nd offense.
4. Give a manager one replay challenge per game. If he's right he keeps his challenge. If he's wrong he loses it.
5. Improve pay in the minors a bit.
I know that a couple of these would require being supreme dictator, not just commisioner.

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