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It shows how heavy handed and egomaniacal IHSA administrators can be. Give them and inch and they take a mile. Please tell me how our High Schools or our children benefit from the IHSA policy.

We should all remember that these are the same people that want to implement and oversee a drug testing program. Be scared, very scared.
I hope that the geniuses at the IHSA are feeling very smug that my local Pioneer Press had no sports photos this week. Someone please tell me, who is going to profit from some pictures of state meets in swimming, wrestling and the rest? People don't run out to buy their papers because of HS photos. I just don't get it. Who does it benefit by not letting a weekly like Pioneer Press, who use their own photographers publish a few pictures?
Last edited by itsrosy
I never agreed to allow the IHSA a monopoly on my sons athletics. It's the media that spends the money to send photog's and videog's out to those events, not the IHSA. The IHSA isn't doing a lick of work, just claiming rights and looking for a handout.

There's a reason that HS sports are so poorly covered, and it's because it's expensive. I am all about more coverage, and if that means that the media outlets need to sell some photos, then let's let 'em.

The shortsighted view of this is what the IHSA is doing. I'm not quite sure what improvement our IHSA events need that they should alientate the only source for exposure they have.

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