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The rule about 2 days rest for pitchers is directly from the Babe Ruth League rule book...just like international Little League rules. I'm sure like the Little League pitch count, it is meant to minimize wear and tear on young arms. However, I don't think our particular league has ever had a way to check on whether or not coaches were properly resting their kids...any suggestions?
There a couple of methods. One is to have an official book and hopefully an official scorer. The book stays in the pressbox at all times. Another is to have a pitcher log at the field somewhere that is always there. At the end of the game who pitched and how many innings is recorded for both teams and signed both managers. Some even go so far as osting it on the league website so it can be checked at any time by any manager.
MST is right on target here..........umpires, due to our random scheduling can not be involved in multi day pitching/rest rulings........

The only rule I ever enforced was the PONY 13-14 # of innings pitched in one game. 7 innings max, one pitch into the 8th and the pitcher was removed and the manager ejected.

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