ktcosmos,...you are indeed not alone and you are indeed not nuts. You are a Mom.
Havent gone through this with baseball son #2, but have with my oldest ( almost 19 ). Watched his last Varsity football game, play by play as if it was in slow motion. Watched the clock tick away,...5-4-3-2,..one last minute of HS football and that would be it.
Got the same kind of sickening stomach feeling as you. Stood in the crowd wearing his # on my shirt with tears streaming down my face. This was it. Flashbacks of the first day he tried out for the team,...the first stitches, first tackle, the first everything flashed through my mind so vivedly, as if they had happened yesterday.
I bet you can relate. I can see myself walking where you are walking now ktcostmos. Its all very familiar.
I dont think it really matters if the thread is dated from 2004 or to present day 2007.
It all seems relevant and timeless.
Mothers watching their sons grow up,....
it will always be special.