ive been having a great spring behind the plate making assists left and right, i have a 1.8 sec pop time and ive been crushing rocket line drives about 10 ft off the ground the whole way but right to the outfielders, so im hitting about 300, not bad. i spoke with the local summer team coach from around where i live and he was all set to have me come play for him in the perfect situation catching everyother game so i can train in the summer and get stronger as well as improve my game. but now he tells me his old catcher whose played with him for 3 seasons feels like playing again this year. so now id only be able to catch 10 outve 50 games if possible.
to me i think it might be better to train in the gym everyday as usual, do speed training, arm training,takepart in a few showcases and than hopefully Empire State Games....
any comments or opinions would be appreciated

im a junior