This past summer our son attended IMG for a couple of weeks and I was blown away by what they offer. It was founded by Nick Bollettieri for Tennis and as time went on he added other sports, (Lacrosse, Football, Golf, Track and Field, Soccer and Baseball). I had started a post in April asking opinions and got a few which are appreciated. We decided with IMG and I am glad I made the choice. Now I heard many good things about Doyle and would like to have our son try that if possible but IMG was just so impressive with their approach and teaching baseball.
Just a note that Gatorade is a major sponsor and at every station there is a Gatorade Station which is constantly filled and ready for the kids all day long and in addition they are given many gatorade supplements (upon parent approval) and finally at the end of the day they are given a Gatorade Recovery Shake. All this is included. No cokes of any kind are allowed on campus and also sold on campus. No Red Bull, Monster, 5 Hour Energy are allowed or sold.
The campus is about 700 acres to accommodate all the sports and facilities which I would guess is worth 100 million or more. To get the kids around they have a transportation system that runs every 10 minutes to take the kids to all their training areas. It like a college campus. They have dorms and also very nice condos if you want to pay more. I have heard it's not in the nicest area but it's really not bad at all. You know when Nic Bollettieri started this years ago it already owned the land and we all know how land just gets more expensive so why move?
The baseball training starts off 30 minutes of stretching and running then with rotating stations in the morning. 1. Video Room : They have the kids watch baseball clips of players and discuss the various aspects of the game (Each day is different.)
Station 2: Batting Cages with 4-5 Coaches (they are all former MLB players- Not minor league either)They really break down the players and offer suggestions to improve swing ect. Station 3: Throwing Station breaks down the correct way to warm up and throw regardless how fast your throw. There were 2 players that play for Notre Dame that go there every summer and were there right along with our son. Station 4: Stealing, running and all round base running knowledge.
After that theirs lunch and then the work out room which they do baseball specific exercises, then lunch which is all you can eat in a cafeteria setting. They are eating with all the other kids there from all over the world which is alot of fun and of course our son loved talking to the girls that are in Tennis and Soccer. They go back out to the field and stretch again for a good amount of time and then throw to warm up and then they are split up in their positions. If you are a catcher they have a Coach who specializes in catchers and so on. All positions being trained have a minimum of 2 coaches or more. There are about 8-12 coaches on the field plus a trainer that is there the whole day never leaving and ready to help with any injuries. Games are played about an hour before the end of the day which ends around 4:30. If you signed up for the "Total Athlete" you get about 90 minutes of additional training. These classes are Mental Toughness, Nutrition, Vision, Speed and Agility and Leadership Training. The cost is about 1600 or so but well worth it if you kid really wants to go the next level.
I have been working with our son since he was 5 and the way they teach is impressive. I wished I would have known about this when he was in 8th grade. He learned alot and while was already a good player he is noticeable even better and that is not just from me but from the comments of the college showcases he has been to. Anyway I know there will be always something better but his experience and my opinion is IMG Academy is world class.