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okay guys, i have a question. i play high school ball, but since my ACL injury, i cannot play this upcoming season as a junior. my surgery is scheduled for january by the way. and i really wanna go far in baseball however, what if i get cut my senior year? would that be the end of the road, or could i still play college ball even if i get cut my senior year? it's a possibility and i'd really appreciate some advice if i actually do get cut my senior year. if anything i said wasnt clear, just ask me to clarify. thanks.
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my question isnt really about my ACL. i've had two previous ACL reconstructions and about to get my left knee re-done this january, so i know everything about ACL's by doing research on it. wat im asking is, what will happen if i do get cut my senior year? would that be the end of my baseball career, or would i still be able to play in college and actually work towards my goal of making it to the big leagues? because i want this more than anything and i think i work as hard as anyone, and if you could answer that question, it would really help.
It wouldn't have to be the end of your baseball career if you get cut because of your knee. As long as your knee heals up you can always play ball; there are leagues everywhere. However, going to college would be a tough road. First, let me ask you this: If you were healthy, what position would you play and where would you bat in the order?
You have not said anything about how good you are, but if you are worried about getting cut from your high school baseball team, you have no chance.

If you are not worried about getting cut from your high school team and want to work your but off and be determined to be the best you can, you have a much better chance of reaching your goal!

Though not playing your junior year and possibly not your senior year is not going to make your chances very good, due to the recruiting cycle and the difficulties of walking on to a 4 year school, but you can possibly go to a JC and continue to improve and transferring to a 4 year school or getting drafted.

That is all based on how hard you work, if you are good enough, and if someone finds you, or gives you a chance, but again, if you don't have the confidence in yourself, why would someone else?

Good Luck in your journey!
i play shortstop and i am pretty good overall fielding, hitting, and throwing. and i'd bat around fourth in the order. i am working my butt off every day. i have been all this time until my ACL injury. i know im good and i know i can make it, it's just that little possibility if i get cut, then what? i've been training all summer, fall, and winter. and am going to continue on that pace until baseball starts in '09. i have the confidence, it's just that if the coach decides to cut me, even if i am good. i trust the coach's decisions, but still..
Truth be told, if you are good enough you will not get cut. If you are good enough to play short and bat fourth, then at the least you should be able to play JC ball if you can't get into a four year school. Make no mistake baout it, many of the "studs" who you play with or against that go to a DI school are no longer studs when they get there, they are just another guy.

If you are healthy enough to play, but not to get into a four year school right out of high school, JC is a good option. If you can play there you will get opportunities to play elsewhere after, if its pro ball or college.

My advice is to just keep working hard, keep the goal in mind of wanting to play ball in college as a motivator, and whatever happens, happens. If you know that you worked as hard as you could, then you have been successful.

Good luck to you and continue working hard.
Originally posted by rz1:

This post is so similar to the others since the 1st of June that every time you do I feel like you are playing those who respond.

Give up your name and school to me in a pm and prove me wrong. If I find out I'm wrong, I will publicly apologize.
BINGO!!! We're getting played. I did a search for recent posts. In one thread he started a few months ago he was a sophomore. A few months later he's going to be a senior.

In one thread he started he said he's playing his soph year on the JV team. In another post he started he said due to knee injuries he hasn't played in two years.

This is a troll. I deleted my advice. I even gave him a couple of local JC's to check out the baseball programs. Kid if you're going to lie at least get your stories straight.
Last edited by TG
I don't know, it sounds like a kid with a dream that is concerned about his playing career....

With all the questions, he is asking around the web site, it looks fairly consistant, but I did not take the time to look at a lot of them.

My concern is some of the advice he is giving to others with a torn ACL that may want to get back to catching...I would ask a doctor not a message board.
Last edited by Homerun04
I do understand the concern of members at times about whether they are being "played", since so many busy people take time to try to help other parents and players. But I cannot tell from the info available to me, whether somervilleboy is misleading us or not.

Somervilleboy, feel free to contact me directly at if you do wish to discuss this. If you are a player sincerely looking for advice, none of us (including those who posted their concerns above) want you to be scared off.

RZ, I replied via PM.



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