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On your website you advocate that in season a player should work out 2 days a week and never the day before the game. In a high school baseball season we play Wed. and Fri. so that means we can lift on Mondays. When else can we lift then? The other question I have is that if we lift on Mondays should we lift before or after practice, or does it matter?

Even if you are not Jon feel free to weigh in.
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I am a firm believer that you can lift almost anytime. Throughout high school, I lifted the day of games on more than one occasion.

Think about it this way.. if you're not supposed to lift the day of or day before a game, when do professional baseball players lift?

On your second question, I agree to lift after practice if you're going to do it at the same time. On the other hand, I feel it's more productive if you could do it at a different time such as before school.

At my school, there's several that lift before school IF they don't have weight lifting as a class during the day.
Hey Socal...

Its more of a general rule than anything. In your scenario, a player would lift on Sat & Monday.

However, as mentioned, after a game is a good time to lift. So the players in your case can train on Wed (after the game) and Mondays.

I'd stay away from comparing HS athletes to pro athletes as to when they workout. Like comparing apples to oranges.

Some kids can workout anytime and be fine, others cannot and it will effect performance.

Of course, what is being done during the workouts is a major factor as well.

90% of our in-season training is complex training, so in 30 minutes we get more done than most do in 90 minutes.
Last edited by Jon Doyle

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