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OK I don't really do this all that much but these is a moment in a good friends life that needs help from as many people as possibly. I have a friend who has a son who needs to have open-heart surgery to replace his entire aorta plus the aortic and mitral valves. He had some surgeries when he was 12 and 19 on his heart but neither were as critical and severe as this one will be.

Needless to say we're all trying to keep a positive attitude about it. He and his wife met with the surgeon who will perform the operation and he seemed to put Tommy in a much more positive mood and gave him a very positive outlook.

I need to ask a big favor of you all of you. Will you and your parents please keep him in your prayers and would you ask any of your friends who might like to help to do the same? It's not that we are fanatically religious people but at a time like this I have always turned to the power of prayer and positive thoughts and at least in my mind they have to help.

Thank you ever so much for helping out my friend.

I never threw an illegal pitch. The trouble is, once in a while I toss one that ain't never been seen by this generation
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Whenever I hear a story like this it puts everything in perspective. We loose sleep when our kids are struggling at a game. Or they have gone 0-4 or had a bad outting on the hill. We all can relax and realize that we are so lucky that our kids are healthy. I will be praying for that young man. I will pass this on to our team and we will all be praying for him. There is a greater power and prayer can work miracles.
Thank-you all ever so much for your support for my friend,I'll be sure to let everybody know how well everything goes for him and hopefully his speedy recovery from this surgery,

It's things like this that show jsut how strong of a bond there is between the memebers of this forum, once again thank-you very much

I never threw an illegal pitch. The trouble is, once in a while I toss one that ain't never been seen by this generation
I lost my 12 yr old son Max, this past March 23rd, when our home burned down, You said it right when you said things like this put into perspective what really matters. Bad things happen to Great Kids sometimes and only God knows why. My family will pray that all goes well and this young man gets to be a living testimony of Gods Grace, and the power of people comming together in love for the needs of another, we all treasure our children, they are sent here to us on a loan, take time everyday, to let them know what they mean to you, and thank the Big Guy, for blessing you with the love each child brings. We will pray for your precious child.

Sincerly, C&S
Shenandoah Valley of Virginia sends prayers, and best wishes, the former being imminently more important.

scleftyzdad: reading your post I hardly know what to say, except I pray that God's grace and comfort will continue for your family. When I lost my dad years ago, someone told me you don't get over it, you just get used to it, and that thought came to mind when I read your post.
Well the surgery is over and heres the update for all of you, but before I post it again let me extend a huge thanks you everyone of you.

He did very well during the entire operation and only needed the heart and lung machine for about 3 hours....BUT after being in recovery for less than 20 minutes they had to rush him back to the OR to reopen his chest because he was bleeding too much internally. His blood pressure had dropped drastically and when they got in there they found that they had nicked some scar tissue from his previous operations. So they sewed it up and today he is sitting up in a chair already and is trying to eat.

Once again thank you to all of you for your pratyers and words of support.

I never threw an illegal pitch. The trouble is, once in a while I toss one that ain't never been seen by this generation
Well all I had hoped that this would be my final post on this forum, but sadly it is not, I jsut recived word today that my good friend must go back in and have a Pacemaker inserted because of some other complications that have arisen, he is to go into surgery today, so hopefully yet again everything turns out well.

I never threw an illegal pitch. The trouble is, once in a while I toss one that ain't never been seen by this generation
Great News everybody!

My buddy will be home either Thursday or Friday, he can't wait, all is gonig extremly well with no other complications what so ever! He's even called home a few times to talk to his family! And everything is going great, once agaib from his heart and from mine Thank you all to each and everyone of you for helping us out through this! I will let you all know when he is deffinately home for good! All he has to do is take some blood thinner pills now! once again thank you all so very much!

I never threw an illegal pitch. The trouble is, once in a while I toss one that ain't never been seen by this generation

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