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I just saw where a former summer teammate of lhp and rhp was “indefinitely suspended for violating team rules” at a D1. This made me wonder about the nature of the violation and what would get a player suspended. Are coaches tougher on freshmen than they are on upper classmen, and does a higher level program have more or less tolerance than a mid to lower level one? Does player performance on the field ever come into the equation and what is the likelihood of returning to the program? I’m sure there are lots of variables to these situations.
Original Post
Performance does matter. It is easier to make an example of a spare part than a star. Talent always gets the benefit of the doubt look no further than Josh Hamiliton. Multiple teams took a shot with him after his initial flame out becasue of the gift he has. He is one of maybe 50 people in the world that would have had as many chances as he's had.

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