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I'll agree with that comment as well, it is in NOWHERESVILLE, even by iowa standards, however that may not necessarily be a bad thing when it comes to developing baseball talent. The main campus for IHCC is in Ottumwa, but the baseball team attends class in Centerville, which is also home to their facility...but yes, great team, great program, A LOT of international talent....
Took my son to visit the school in fall of 07 for showcase. Facilities are great, 2 fields in the middle of nowhere. I can’t remember if both were lit, at least one is. Covered cages, seating for a ton, warning track encircles whole field. Indoor training facility, dorms were recently built, and very nice. Met with Coach Cam briefly very knowledgeable and impressed my son. You will notice many foreign players on large roster. Son was interested in aeronautical program but those classes were offered at main campus 30+ miles away. The program will dictate what classes you will take.
We had an offer from them. My son would not go there based on location. Cam is a great pitching guy from western Canada. They recruit mostly Island guys but I know a few players who went there. 2 of them played here and were drafted after college. In the past they had been to the D1 WS a few times in a row. It is a BB factory.
Last edited by BobbleheadDoll
Indian Hills Pro Players
If you go to the link above you might recognize a few people. Two of my sons played at Indian Hills.

I don't like the town, but it's an incredible place to play baseball. Cam Walker took over for Rick Matthews (Rockies) quite awhile ago. Cam is an outstanding coach and a very good guy who has helped a lot of players, including my son Ben. My son Andy played there for Rick Matthews.

Neither were drafted out of high school or even offered much as far as DI. Each after one year had multiple DI offers, but signed pro.

Indian Hills was a great "baseball" experience for them.
Last edited by PGStaff
Coach Jonathan Matthews approached me at the recent Jupiter tourney to ask me about my son to try to get him to visit and most likely make an offer . Seemed like a real good guy . Unfortunately , the location of the school wasnt to sons liking ..being from the chgo area would be too much of an adjustment . Son ended up committing to John Logan .

After speaking with coach matthews a couple of times i could tell he is class guy .
Location was very important but was not the controlling factor for us. The quality of the baseball program was paramount however. I always felt winning was important because that will often attract the scouts. Seeing that PGStaff sent two sons there ought to speak volumes to others considering this program.

I am pretty sure my son would have loved to play at Indian Hills if that was the "best" baseball opportunity he had going at the time.
Mr Nobody I agree. My son went to college BB ,football and BKTB games at other colleges. They would get a bunch of guys and take short trips to enjoy the surroundings. 3 beaches to enjoy and many other things that he would not have been able to do if they were in an out of the way place. BB wasn't the most important thing for him but the experience of college life was and still is. After he graduates in May he wants to get his MBA in Charleston. He probably would have been very unhappy at an out of the way college. We talk about "FIT" and that would have been a bad fit for him. Others would love it. Cam is a great coach.
Last edited by BobbleheadDoll
We were recommended to him by a tournament organizer who gave me his card and saqid he would love my son. He did but I couldn't get my son to go to a a college that had weather like ours and was in an out of the way area.
I talked to one guy who went there and he didn't stay. Not sure why but it could have been playing time. 2 guys played there 2 years and were drafted and I believe they signed. Another player was cut from my son's D1 and went there. He was a Puerto Rican and he didn't last . Had very little play time.
The program is very successful and if BB is a top priority then it is a great place to go.. For us it was about the experience. As I recall he also had little money left and it was our worste offer.

I know for a fact, a D1 JUCO does not have to give you the full amount of tuition & Room and Board. Many conferences/states do NOT allow the JUCOs to pay for rooom and board even though they are technically allowed under the rules.

I also know for a fact, a D2 can offer partial tuition as well.

It probably comes down to what the school will fund.
Originally posted by nc42dad:

I know for a fact, a D1 JUCO does not have to give you the full amount of tuition & Room and Board. Many conferences/states do NOT allow the JUCOs to pay for rooom and board even though they are technically allowed under the rules.

I also know for a fact, a D2 can offer partial tuition as well.

It probably comes down to what the school will fund.

Thanks nc42dad,
I was misinformed. Smile

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