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Originally posted by ThroStrikes:
You can still pull his bio up on the computer, but if you go to the IU web page he is not listed as a coach and they have a new assistant.

O.K., I will find out what happened to Mr. Middleton. Also Wes Wilson and Jered Sabourin should help the program. Wes Wilson left Mississipi state after the fall (my guess is that Polk cut him and took away his baseball $$)....Wilson must not have been a NLI guy because if so that money is locked up for the 08 season. Anyway, Tracy SMith landed this dude and he should be battling for catcher at IU for years to come.
Originally posted by j2h6:
Matt was indeed a great pick for IU, unfortunately, things did not work and Matt has chosen to move in a different direction. One of the best baseball guys I've been around and simply a genius in the third base coaches box. I wish him all the best in his future endeavors.

Yes, Matt was very accomplished at 3rd base. My opinion of 3rd base coach is it's the hardest of all the coaching positions. Very demanding. I'm sure Matt and Indiana (Smith and/or Greenspan) had their differences about something and even though he was an announced asst. coach, they still chose to part ways. Sometimes that can have a lasting impact because another institution is going to say, "Hmmm, I wonder why he left under those conditions (just after being hired), perhaps he's a head-case or something". Which of course we know he's not so I hope everything gets worked out and we see Matt coaching again real, real soon. I'm pretty sure Indiana has real good family health insurance and benefits like that so I doubt it was over that type of stuff.
Last edited by switchitter

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