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Just curious if any of you have any techniques you have used to create a balk. Especially at third. Texas did it last night to win a game and Cliff Gustufson was famous for it. Would like to have that ability to try and create a balk, but have had no luck..Anyone?
"Well your the best i've ever had, and the best **** hitter I ever saw".
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Before you get started trying to figure out ways to cheat by this unsportsmanlike act let me remind you that this is illegal in NFHS rules....

NFHS rule 3 section 3 (o)

A coach, player, substitute, attendent or other bench personnel shall not:

O. Call "Time" or use any command, or commit any act for the purpose of causing a balk.


The Umpire shall eject the offender from the game and any balk caused by this action will be ignored.

So decide if it is worth attempting a cheap advance if your going to be ejected, as I will most certainly eject you if I have any indication you caused the balk.

By the way, the NCAA has this same rule.......
Last edited by piaa_ump
First of all dont cheat.... ands this is cheating plain and simple. This is not going into the bag of tricks, there are plenty of trick plays, dekes and strategies that are legal. This is cheating....and the NFHS rule book is clear on this. If you do it you are a cheater and you are to be ejected.

The fact that you have never seen the rule or heard it called by an umpire does not make it any less valid.

Using your logic, would it be ok to fake a BESR stamp on an illegal bat? Is it ok to use -7 oz bat in a game?...........

As far as the NCAA goes, they have the rule as well, enforcement is up to the umpires. If Texas did this then they didnt win the game, they stole it.
this is just a guess

with the pitcher in the stretch, the runner breaks for home before/while the hands are coming set - most often pitcher won't disengage the rubber and will just deliver the ball home (quick pitch) without coming set - BALK

usually for it to work ya approch the base ump several pitches before and plant a "heads up" seed so as not to surprise him
Last edited by Bee>
Originally posted by piaa_ump:
No, that action by the player is within the allowable and legal acts.

Examples of illegal acts, an offensive coach or player yelling "he's going"....a coach running from the coaching box towards home (actually saw this one, he was ejected)


Please show me where he said anything about yelling anything? Nothing in Roy Hobbs' initial post said anything about cheating.

Go get your seeing eye dog to read the posts for you. HAHA just kidding!
PIAA is correct about the rule...usually seen it apply to verbal acts such as calling Time, directly referring to the pitcher,etc.

Fake steal attempts, bluffs are not illegal to the best of my knowledge. Basically part of the game. While clapping by a baserunner may not be illegal, it's bush and defenses have adequate means to police this type of stuff.

The rule is a good one because at higher levels,the pitcher does have a weapon against these tactics. It is called a baseball in his hand. The next batter better not dig in.

Saw a college pitcher intentionally nail a 3rd base coach once for some things he was trying to do to induce a balk. Yes, it was intentional because I was the catcher and called it during a timeout. I also gave a pretty direct message to the batter to relay to his coach. Were my actions illegal? Probably...but so were the knockdown pitches I called after one of our hitters had been plunked.

In my view, coaches trying to induce a balk by their own actions/comments don't believe their team can win straightup.

Cliff is famous for alot of things...including his team's actions after losing in the CWS last year. Just because a college coach does something, thhat doesn't always make it good baseball. JMHO
Your saying that if a player is working on his jump on the bases and one time guesses wrong, leaves a little early and then puts on the brakes, causing the pitcher to balk, that he can be ejected from a game? That sounds a little over the top to me. Why do we also practice first and third plays where the player on first leaves early, to get into a hot box and score the run from third? Is this cheating? If I ever got tossed from a game for this reason, I would definitley go out with a fight! It's not cheating, it's part of the game. If your pitcher isn't shaking in his pants with guys on base, he shouldn't balk.
Maybe at a younger level you might be right, and there is a group of umpires who believe in what is called "preventitive umpiring". Which is basically doing what you suggest and that is going to a coach and giving him advice on how to coach his game (bush league or otherwise).

But at the higher levels of baseball, you will not find many coaches who want to get advice from an Umpire. Coaches coach, Umpires umpire. Its not my place to offer advice.

If there was a lesser penalty (such as restriction to the dugout) then I would enforce it, but there isnt. The attitude I display is fair and consistent.

Go back and read the thread again......fake steals are legal....
Last edited by piaa_ump
Fake steal would have to be a judgement call. Who is to say that the runner just got a bad jump and stopped or that the runner guessed wrong and left early? You always hear that if your attempting to steal a base and get a bad jump, you stop. Leaving to early is considered a bad jump, so you stop...pitcher balks, that's his fault. Same thing with runners on 1st and 3rd with 2 out. If stealing, you don't want the guy from first to run into the tag so he is to stop if he sees he's being thrown out and get into the hot box to try and score the run. Is this cheating? You seem to have the power trip that many umpires do and thats why you guys get the bad name.
But at the higher levels of baseball, you will not find many coaches who want to get advice from an Umpire. Coaches coach, Umpires umpire. Its not my place to offer advice.

I agree with the above statement fully. I was not suggesting advising him so much as warning him once. I've seen a lot of baseball, college and high school and have never heard of a coach being ejected for what you are talking about so I think you are being extreme.

I agree with Abrams take on the situation except that Cliff no longer coaches Texas it is Augie now.
Chief42....., again fake steals are legal, and no it isnt a judgement call. A runners mistake or jump that causes a balk is not what I am talking about. We are not talking about legal dekes or fakes or simple baserunning mistakes.

Neither of your examples are cheating.... they are just baseball... if you will reread this thread you will see that the actions being discussed are deliberate actions to cause a pitcher to balk and the penalty for doing it.

If enforcing the rules by being fair and consitent is being on a power trip then I guess I've been guilty for the past 20 years. If standing up for fair play and good sportsmanship give me a bad name then Im guilty again...

But I'll ask you a question....if your pitcher is set and a player from the offensive bench yells "he's going"...and your pitcher you want me to enforce this rule as written?

Im truly interested in your opinion.
Was picking off the coach good baseball? Probably not; hardnosed probably. It sure shut him up. The guy was jerk as a player and had a rep for stuff like this. The message I sent back to their bench (editted) was essentially that I've got a headcase for a pitcher with a 90+ fastball and we can play these games all day or we can play baseball, it was up to them.
Did we hunt after hitters?No, of course not. But if one of our guys got plunked after a homerun, I was going to defend our hitters.

Coachguru, sorry about the confusion. When I was typing that, something didn't seem right referring to Cliff. Still think Texas was offbase after the CWS.

Alot has been said about this rule and how it might effect steals,etc. Never saw it applied that way, only over verbal stuff and stepping out of the batters box calling Time during the pitcher's delivery. Through Legion and college ball, maybe saw it called 2-3 times.
piaa....I totally agree with the verbal situation. Maybe I don't totally understand what your saying about the cause when being on the bases, but I still don't think you can throw someone out of a game for trying to deceive the pitcher by your actions on the base. Guys are always bouncing around or twitching to get into the pitchers head and what I would assume, maybe cause him to balk. It doesn't just happen in high school ball but also in the big leagues. If I have misunderstood you, I appologize.

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