we always hit before games. sometimes field - sometimes in cage. according to what we feel we need at the time. if we are playing alot with no practice days we will go to the cage and do some tee work and softtoss pregame.
i believe in short, quick positive round of infield. on and off. from years of experience and many wins and many losses we've found that pregame infield has nothing to do with getting ready to play or a sign of whether you are ready to play or not. matter of fact last season we didnt even take pregame infield a single time. what we will do is if we are playing alot with little practcie time we will come in early and take some serious groundball/flyball work. we'll do this right after school most of the time and then the kids have time to go home,eat, etc. then come back for bp. but we can do that because we play jv/varsity doubleheaders except for tournaments. jv play at430 and varsity at 7. we'll do some 4 way fungo where everybody is getting groundballs w/no throws, then we will go 2 way fungo throwing to the bases.