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Won game.But do have question.IFF situation.Ball is hit toward 1b.With wind even as ball was coming down hard to tell where it will land.Ball lands at minumim 10ft. behind dirt/grass line at back of 1b. Inside fair line at most 2ft.After ball lands 1BR takes off for 2nd all other runners start running.Sitting there I'm thinking IFF right off.No one says anything (the umps).The Fu upon ball hitting ground holds up his right arm but no one says anything.Kid is tagged out at 2B couple of kids score.The field ump then annouces IFF.Question.Is an umps hand raise straight up a/the signal for IFF?Is/does calling IFF typically happen after ball lands?In past I could have sworn one/or both umps yell out IFF?

Original Post

The answer to your first question is that neither the hand signal nor the declaration determines the out.

The answer to your second question is that umpires are supposed to make the signal and the declaration as soon as they determine the situation exists. However, nothing says the determination has to be made before the ball lands.

The approved ruling in the case book for a play like this says the infield fly "out holds even though it was not declared. The situation determines the out, not the declaration. The umpires should always declare 'Infield Fly, If Fair' to lessen any confusion."

It often occurs after an infield fly drops to the ground that the offense thinks the drop makes it self evident that it required more than ordinary effort and wants the out back. The absence of a declaration will reinforce the coach's belief.  

The umpires did not achieve the objective of lessening confusion, but it's still an out. 

Last edited by Swampboy

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