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Son plays on one of the elite 17U year old teams in our state..every player is a top player at their high school. When a school that my son has had contact with was at one of his summer tournament games he wasn't playing. What do college recruiters think when one of the players they are at the game to see isn't playing that game?
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Our player had a high school coach who stiffed several D1 coaches despite their in advance requests. It had something to do with "being the boss" and "in control." Very childish. They were puzzled and we were unhappy to say the least.

Agree with other posters - send the schedule in advance to the college coaches and/or drop an email to the coach, or simply let your summer team coach know enough time in advance to allow him some flexibility. Don't worry, they'll come again if they are really interested. If your heart is set on that school, and you didn't get an opportunity to show your stuff, sign up for their camp - just make sure the coaches will be running it!
by brod: Our player had a high school coach who stiffed several D1 coaches despite their in advance requests. It had something to do with "being the boss" and "in control." Very childish. They were puzzled and we were unhappy to say the least.
advance requests to change his pitching rotation and/or line-up to suit visitors?

that sounds very odd
Last edited by Bee>
Our High School coach was all about the kids getting to play in college and was more than accomodating when a scout or recruiter let him know they were coming and would adjust a line-up or bring in a pitcher for a few innings that wasn't originally scheduled to throw. The players being looked at are obviously good players, or they wouldn't be scouted, so its not like tanking a game or something by making a few changes to help a player get to the next level.
I made sure I had the AD involved and deeply involved---for game appearances I had the coaches call him in his office---At that time in my work life I was not always near a phone, I was a construction site project manager, but I knew he would be

He would then touch base with me later in the day to update me on what to expect when I got to the field for the game

I was lucky to have the AD we had---"ITS" son "D" had him later on at another HS and he can tell what a help he was

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