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From the man himself....

For those who have not already heard, I will not be covering high school and college baseball across Texas as a full-time career anymore. I started work at Central National Bank here in Waco three weeks ago, and my baseball writing will become more of a hobby than a career.

Keep in step, I have shut down the subscriber-only section of the website and have opened the whole thing up for free.

I will have a few knowledgeable baseball folks from around the state contributing information from time to time, I will be contributing as I can, and I absolutely welcome interested writers. Please send me an e-mail at if you are interested in submitting articles about your team for the website.

The message boards will be back up and operational soon as well.

Thank you all for an absolutely unforgettable run these last 9-10 years. I will never regret a day of it. I will continue to be a promoter of high school baseball, both in Texas, and across the country, and I look forward to the future.

Best of luck to you all.

Jason Becker

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