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This is a topic which has "irked" me for many years, and as we went on recruting trips and met many of the upperclassmen on baseball teams all over the country, "irked" me even more. The topic I refer to is academic excellence (or lack there of) in many D1 programs. We met a lot of "rock stars" and chick magnets, but when it boiled right down to it... there weren't a lot of serious students playing baseball.

Perhaps the problem was that so many felt they were simply "gonna' make it to the game", and had little intention of getting up to go to class, and/or making anything of themselves... other than getting ready to sign that mega-gazillion $$$ contract.

Well any of you young people reading this site... understand something. As a corporate manager I am always impressed with a young person who can manage the trials and tribulations of playing an intercollegiate sport, ON TOP OF GETTING A COLLEGE DEGREE, but if you can't read a balance sheet, can't balance a checkbook, can't negotiate a car purchase, can't show up for work on time and/or any one of the thousands of things you should be learning in college on top of how to field to your backhand.... then there won't be a place in our business for you!!! Or any business. There just aren't enough jobs out there for former ballplayers to simply stand around in used car ads.... and if you're in demand enough to "work off your good looks", chances are you made enough in your career to NOT HAVE TO....

I've said this on this forum before. The end of playing of this wonderful sport is ticking in your future. Some soon... the lucky ones a little further out. Don't shoot the messanger because he tells you Carthage is on fire.

Get an education while someone else is willing to pay for some or all of it. Learn in the classroom and out. I tell my sons that you can learn as much from a bad coach as a good one. Know the difference. I learned as much from my first boss out of college on how NOT to treat people as I have from the best since then.

Get an education.... oh and in the meantime, LEARN TO HIT!



"From the attic came an unearthly howl. The whole scene had an eerie, surreal quality, like when you're on vacation in another city and Jeopardy comes on at 7:00 p.m. instead of 7:30."
Originally posted by AcademyDad:
"From the attic came an unearthly howl. The whole scene had an eerie, surreal quality, like when you're on vacation in another city and Jeopardy comes on at 7:00 p.m. instead of 7:30."

I know that feeling well. Here's one that's even more disconcerting...there is no Sonic in the city you're visiting...bummer!
Last edited by gotwood4sale
I don't think baseball is a money sport at college. I think they are referring to the big sports like football and basketball.
There view is very shallow and they seem to forget the enormous contribution that these sports make to the colleges.
As far as academics the baseball guys seem to be doing well. In the Big South over 40% had 3.0 or better. I know in my son's case he hardly has a minute to breath. He also got his social security # and worked many hours on campus not getting home most nights until after 10 PM. He and all his roommates are top students making the honor roll in their freshman year. I was totally impressed with the young men I met. I marvel at how they can practice, play ball, travel, and work and find time to excel at academics.

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