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I went to my child's softball game last night in a community that is roughly 45 minutes away from ours. Just_Learning stated that he made it there in just under an hour. LOL! I stopped in a store to get a soda and was wearing my Triad apparel as I always do. An older gentleman came up to me and told me I was a long way away from home. He asked what I was doing there and I told him about the softball game. Thus the groundwork is laid. That old gentleman then proceed to tell me that he didn't know anything about our softball program but he knew a lot about our baseball program. I listened as he proceeded to tell me about myself. Not one time did he ask who I was or even if I knew the head baseball coach. It was a very interesting encounter hearing someone else's perception of me. LOL!!!

"Failure depends upon people who say I can't."  - my dad's quote July 1st, 2021.  CoachB25 = Cannonball for other sites.

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Ok, he said that the Coach for the Triad Baseball Program is a "WACKO." LOL! The problem is that he gave examples and all of those examples were somewhat true. He is obviously a high school baseball junkie and so, I just couldn't believe he didn't recognize me. I have lost 35 pounds this summer but still. One example that I wanted to correct him on but didn't want to spoil the fun - He commented that when his Grandson was eliminated in the playoffs by us a few years ago, we lost in the regional championship game when I brought our centerfielder in with two outs and the tying run on third and the winning run on second. Our centerfielder gave up the winning run. He also said that my #1 was on the bench. Also true. He conviently forgot that my #1 pitched the day before to defeat his grandson's team. Also, our secondbaseman, who was a freshman, made an error on the ball that allowed the winning run. If fielded, we would have been out of that inning. ALL THE REST OF THE "WACKO" STORIES WERE TRUE!
Last edited by CoachB25
Infield08, just the opposite, I left that encounter laughing. I think its good to have opponents think you're one brick short of a load. This gentleman wasn't malicious. Had I been him and not known all of the circumstances to the incidents he mentioned, I'd think I was a "wacko" also. LOL!

Infield08, I've sent you a pm.
Last edited by CoachB25
Aw shucks're the best!

You really are!

You've got that cool looking avatar...sweet!

Hey!'ve got a "1" after your cool is that? Way cool!

And talk about being tough...oh my goodness! Being able to live up there in Michael Moore loving Madison...and surviving!

Yes're the real deal in my book!

Well rz...did all of this talk about "what a great, swell guy rz1 is" generate just a smidgen of unease?

I hope so...otherwise we could all pitch in and bring it up to a level just short of torment!

Last edited by gotwood4sale
Posted August 19, 2006 12:55 PM
I went to my child's softball game last night in a community that is roughly 45 minutes away from ours. Just_Learning stated that he made it there in just under an hour. LOL!

I drive 80 mph to get back to a "Powerade" football scrimmage for my son and It took me just over an hour. Coach had a govoner installed in that lil Saturn of his and he makes in 45 minutes???? History teachers have a hard time telling time!!!
Originally posted by JUST_LEARNING:
Posted August 19, 2006 12:55 PM
I went to my child's softball game last night in a community that is roughly 45 minutes away from ours. Just_Learning stated that he made it there in just under an hour. LOL!

I drive 80 mph to get back to a "Powerade" football scrimmage for my son and It took me just over an hour. Coach had a govoner installed in that lil Saturn of his and he makes in 45 minutes???? History teachers have a hard time telling time!!!

I have to say that I offered to drive this weekend for Just_Learning and the rest of the "Dads" but there weren't any takers. Of course, if you saw my Saturn with all of the "stuff" in it, you'd understand. Heck, at over an hour, the story is even better. Someone over an hour away thinks I'm a wacko. Of course, all I have to do is sit with Just_Learning and some of his boys to find out that people living just a minute away also think the same. LOL!

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