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Today Johnson High School located in San Antonio lost a chance to advance to the 4th round on a interference call. Here is what happen. Bottom of the 7th. Johnson had last at bat. The score is 0-1 with Corpus Christ Carroll ahead. Johnson has 2 outs. No one on base. Pinch hitter comes up hits a solid ball to left and doubles. Now he is on 2nd and is replaced by a pinch runner. The batter who is Number 1 in lineup is intentionally walked so now you have a player on 1st and 2nd. Next batter up and hits a ball to left field. Runner on 2nd rounds 3rd and runs into his Coach (Not the other team's coach). His Coach and himself fall down but runner gets up and scores tying run. The other Coach tells the Upmire it was interference and Ump calls the player out and game is over and Corpus is declared the winner. Is this legal? If yes can you tell me where to find this ruling? i looked and all I see is interference is called if the player runs into the opposing team's player or trying to prevent a double play but this kid ran into his own coach. Any thoughts?
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Not NFHS, but MLB:

There are a few ways the batter-runner can be called out on interference. All of those are listed under rule 7.09. Two of them involve the base coach, and those are the two examined in this segment of ruminating about baseball's rules.

7.09 It is interference by a batter or a runner when:

(h) In the judgment of the umpire, the base coach at third base, or first base, by touching or holding the runner, physically assists him in returning to or leaving third base or first base.

(i) With a runner on third base, the base coach leaves his box and acts in any manner to draw a throw by a fielder;


So I guess in the judgment of the umpire, somehow, or in some way, the coach assisted the runner.

I remember awhile back Michael Young of the Texas Rangers getting called out in a game against the Twins and it was obviously incidental contact with the 3B coach... it ended the game.

Hopefully one of the umpires on here will give us a more complete explanation. Whatever the case, that is a tough way for the game to end.

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