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Hi, I'm here. Our community fared well. Kept power, relatively few trees down, but I will say it was a strange and scary storm  and there didn't seem to be much warning.

My son is in Iowa City and the Cedar Rapids area where damage was much more extensive. He got power back on Thursday, his GF works at a hospital that still is operating on emergency generators. They hope power will be completely restored in a couple of weeks.

Our local utility sent street crews, electric workers and others over to help on the cleanup effort and individuals are putting together relief trucks, etc., to try to help out.

My heart really hurts for Cedar Rapids, which was hit hard by flooding a few years ago and really just seemed to be getting back on its feet. This has been devastating for them and for many of the small towns in the area.


My Son goes to Grinnell. They still don't have power.  He said its a pretty big mess.  The storm tore up the college's stands pretty badly. Talked to the coach -- he said its the worst he's seen in years and years.   The school actually pushed out the start to the school year by a week to allow things to be cleaned up.


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