ok so what i have been told in the past is that u are not working out until u are ready to puke. when u are ready to puke u know u gave 110% effort. i go through 3 day practices sometimes. i am only 15. yes it is very important to throw, hit off the tee, etc. but there are other practices for baseball. there is weightlifting practice and there is just strictly running and endurance practice. when poepel think about baseball practice they think about throwing and hitting. that is ittttt. every part of ur body makes up baseball practice. that might sound weird but it does. practice never ends for me. i practice 24/7 let it be running, pushups,sit ups, weightlifting, throwing, and running. when u play basketball that can be a way for practicing baseball. basketball gives u endurance and quick feet. everything can help u. if u do not think about the game of baseball 24/7 then u dont belong on the field. i live,eat, and dream baseball 24/7. too all of u guys who just think practice is like a 1 hour thing everyday, i got some words for u, "pull your skirt down and get big" that is how u progress