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Originally posted by twotex:
As the parent of a 2013 looking to play in college, I highly encourage all 2013s to tat up, color their mohawk, and get a piercing or two.

[my son wears a #2 buzz cut]

I concer with twotex, however I would replace 2013 with 2014!. Greaat line Twotex. My staff just looked in my office because I laughed so hard. Thanks! Smile
I think it is important that a person is who he is. Being comfortable is most important. Worrying too much about what everyone else thinks can be counter productive.

That said, I wish all professional athletes would set a better example. I never liked the scruffy beard look, especially. Something about being on national television looking like you just crawled out of a cave just doesn't seem right. It really bothered me when my own son looked like that, but I didn't say a word about it. Guess I really like the clean shaven or neat beard/goatee look much better.

I actually see this a sn important topic that in some way pertains to everyone. When it comes to appearance, what is important and what isn't. Seeing this is about a certain hair style, I have seen Mohawks that I would consider very clean cut and some that require a double take.
Originally posted by infielddad:
Contrasted with what used to generate vigorous and wonderful discussion items at this time of year, the biggest there is for college baseball, the current most popular topic on the site seems to surround questions of whether and what type of bias and prejudice might exist in college recruiting... for hair cuts?
Confused Wink

That's what I was talking about.

My son sports a mohawk fade, has for awhile, you wouldn't even know it was one after a week that it was cut. It's nothing like what was posted here, so 2013, I understood.
I just am amazed, like infielddad, how this topic evolved.

I don't like that just got out of bed look either, but baseball players thrive on superstitious stuff, on a good streak they don't change their underwear, socks, or shave or cut the hair!
I don't like that just got out of bed look either, but baseball players thrive on superstitious stuff, on a good streak they don't change their underwear, socks, or shave or cut the hair!

It does seem odd that hair would be a popular topic at this time. TPM, yes, lots of supersticians. But they're not all like that. There are many that look bad every day and I doubt they have been on a hot streak for that long. Others like Jeter and many others always seem to look clean cut.

I know that clothes, underwear, socks, even pregame meals are involved, but I would rather take my chances of keeping a streak alive with clean underwear and socks. Smile
Originally posted by twotex:
As the parent of a 2013 looking to play in college, I highly encourage all 2013s to tat up, color their mohawk, and get a piercing or two.

[my son wears a #2 buzz cut]

Very funny

Originally posted by mcmmccm:
Since we're talking about appearances and this thread has a lot of life to it, let me open another can of worms. I see a trend that concerns me. I have noticed all too often ball players dropping their baseball pants in the parking lot to change into some more comfortable shorts. Maybe I am just old fashioned but I would think this lacks the decorum that most college scouts would deem appropriate. Thoughts???

I wonder why they would not just change in the locker room, or in the dugout?

I know of at least one HS kid that blew an opportunity at a NE D1 because he was acting ghetto the day the scout was in the stands and after the game. He was what is referred to as a wigger(white kid acting ghetto black), where he was mouthing the words to rap, had his hat on sideways in the dugout(not a rally cap situation), etc.
After the game the scout was talking with the coaches about a couple of kids on the team. As they went out to the parking lot headed to the coaches office, the kid in question was blaring rap out of his car, and was apparently looking like he was flashing gang signs to the music. The coach later told some of the players that the kid blew it because in the office the scout no longer wanted info on that kid.

Clearly first impression make a difference, on and off the field. That is why kids should not post weird stuff on their Facebook pages either because you never know who might be looking at it.
Last edited by Vector
Originally posted by Vector:
I know of at least one HS kid that blew an opportunity at a NE D1 because he was acting ghetto the day the scout was in the stands and after the game. He was what is referred to as a wigger(white kid acting ghetto black), where he was mouthing the words to rap, had his hat on sideways in the dugout(not a rally cap situation), etc.
After the game the scout was talking with the coaches about a couple of kids on the team. As they went out to the parking lot headed to the coaches office, the kid in question was blaring rap out of his car, and was apparently looking like he was flashing gang signs to the music. The coach later told some of the players that the kid blew it because in the office the scout no longer wanted info on that kid.

Talk about stupid on the part of that scout.
Originally posted by PGStaff:
I don't like that just got out of bed look either, but baseball players thrive on superstitious stuff, on a good streak they don't change their underwear, socks, or shave or cut the hair!

It does seem odd that hair would be a popular topic at this time. TPM, yes, lots of supersticians. But they're not all like that. There are many that look bad every day and I doubt they have been on a hot streak for that long. Others like Jeter and many others always seem to look clean cut.

I know that clothes, underwear, socks, even pregame meals are involved, but I would rather take my chances of keeping a streak alive with clean underwear and socks. Smile

I agree, but Jeter makes lots of money from his endorsements to look like he does. And he is with an organization that is very strict about appearances. Not all are like that, obviously.

I prefer his look over that of Lincecum and some others.

I agree with the clean underwear and socks too, but I don't have to have them in my house, so I am cool with that. Big Grin
This thread reminds me.

My son needs a haircut.

Personally, I wouldn't let my son get a mohawk because I personally hate faddish haircuts. When he is out on his own, fine, but not in my house. It is just like that whole pants around your ankles thing that the kids seem to like. Idiotic and I don't want to tell people 'yep, that moron is my son.'

Other have different opinions and that is fine. If the kid wants to wear a mohawk and you are fine with it then let him. If a coach is turned off by that then he probably isn't the right coach for your kid anyway.
found this not as big as the underwear but...

In perhaps the most welcome news, laser tattoo removals have increased by 32 percent from 2011 to 2012 alone. "Employment reasons" are cited as the new No. 1 reason for the procedure. It turns out that in an era of austerity, having a Chinese-character tattoo that translates into "I have Kung Pao chicken pants" is an act of unnecessary self-indulgence rather than glorious self-expression.

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