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Son has been heavily recruited by NAIA,D3 and D2 a few D1,D2 college fits his major very well, has seen him play and pitch,sat down with us for over an hour and discussed monies they would bring to the table have told him there would be no reason he would not start as a freshman with his ability and work ethic.Dad says son it is time to sign, son says I don't know I would like to make a few other visits elsewhere.
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Most of the times the player fails to look at other options and wants to sign too fast. I think your son needs to look elsewhere ----- I don’t know what your son is looking for in a program but something about this D-2 hasn’t pushed the right button. As he expands his search and looks elsewhere one of two things will happen. One he will either find what he’s looking for or two he will realize that the previous offer is a good one, the college a good fit, and will be satisfied. Welcome to the HSBBW! Your post is a good one and should bring out some good recruiting “what ifs”.
Fungo thanks he does like the campus also very focused on his major which this college has a great history for and a high placement rate so I am blessed he has a back up plan,I think he feels that being somewhat isolated with a small D2 program he might fall off the radar of his and every kids dream to make it to the next level,I tell him look we had a few light talks with a few pro scouts keep working hard and if it happens it happens.
His concerns have to be dealt with. Pro scouts sign players from all sorts of colleges. The big programs have a better chance of exposure.
My son's small D1 has a scout day on Monday. They also play some great schools and scouts are at them as well.
However, you don't want to talk him into something he may resent you for. rationaise but don't push him.
oldslugger, I think I may have misled somewhat his plan for a major if baseball does not work out at the next level is what I was referring too.And by no means am I trying to push him to someplace he may not be so sure of.But with this new NCAA roster sizing next year and the trickle down effect it will surely have on the other college programs,I just think timing is everything and bad timing is money lost if you know what I mean.
onamission: we are in the same boat as I know others on here are as well. It would be nice to have the DIs beating down our door, but they are not. The DI my son wants to go to has told him they are interested in him, but b/c of new rules will not know until spring if they have a place for him. He too has an offer from a great DII that he likes everthing about except that its not that DI he also loves. The coaches have been great about saying, hey visit these other schools that have invited you (mostly JUCO) and then we will talk. My son's problem is if the DI doesn't work out, he is not sure whether to go to this DII with a great program or to go JUCO and still try to make it to the DI. Like you, I am kind of pulling for the DII. I don't know how they ever take that leap and decide. The only thing my son can say with certainty is he wants to go to this one specific DI. But if we wait, will all other options be gone???
Hit... your son should ask himself: If the D1's interest in me is so dependent on rules changes, is that the best place for me? Which rules are they refering to... is it a money problem or a roster size problem? If it is financial, that is one thing... but if they are saying an expanded roster means they will be interested, I would proceed with caution.
"he has a back up plan"
OS8 was simply pointing out as your son has a back-up plan ... so does the coach

there are several nice DII programs in your area - that said, if they don't fit .. they don't fit.

there's a fine line between between -
finding the "dream-fit" school who also happens to be looking for you
finding the "best-fit" school who also happens to be looking for you..
and chasing rainbows

reality is - your son is among MANY on their list & if he's not sure, someone else will be ..
including this fall's DI-II-III transfers who may already be seeking YOUR scholarship $$, many already proven at the college level

if son's concern is "will DII guys get overlooked in the draft" ...
having him review a few yrs draft lists should set him at ease

good luck
Last edited by Bee>
Good post Bee>...

particulaly like this...

there's a fine line between between -
finding the "dream-fit" school who also happens to be looking for you
finding the "best-fit" school who also happens to be looking for you..
and chasing rainbows

Also adding to the thread...

The next level?...reality is that if he is good enough to get to the next level it will be apparent...the scouts are looking for ball players that translate to the next don't instantly become a draft pick because you play at DI, you become a draft pick becasue you have what they are looking for.



Talk to them about any concerns, they may have some great answers...Figure out how pressing their time frames are...

And...I'll get flack about this but...Find out...Some coaches actually WANT you to be completely at ease with the choice and will allow you to explore options (albiet very quickly) so that you are certain and don't surprise them later. Good luck!

Cool 44
thanks,at a time like now waiting is probably not a good option,I do communicate with the scouts and all pretty much give the same answer we know what we are looking for, the hardest part of this business is projecting where this 17or 18 yr old will be when he is 21,can he handle the grind the bus trips, 4 players with egos to a small hotel room if your lucky enough to get a room, I luv these great posts in this day and age when everything has come to our kids with ease this is one thing that he gets all of my support and energy but it is his actions that ultimately make the call.
A couple of questions, what year is your son in, is he a junior or a senior, that will also determine what route you should take.

If you have done your work on communicating with D1 schools of your interest, you have to ask yourself, where is their interest, if it is not there, where will it be coming from and what is going to be the best situation for your son?
Homerun04, he is a senior but will graduate before he is 18 and there should be room for growth I believe, and he has been told by several college coaches of schools we have visited that there should be no reason you should not start as a freshman in our program. That is why I think he fits D2 just a bit better get there earn your starting position and keep working hard.
Originally posted by onamission:
thanks,at a time like now waiting is probably not a good option,I do communicate with the scouts and all pretty much give the same answer we know what we are looking for, the hardest part of this business is projecting where this 17or 18 yr old will be when he is 21,can he handle the grind the bus trips, 4 players with egos to a small hotel room if your lucky enough to get a room, I luv these great posts in this day and age when everything has come to our kids with ease this is one thing that he gets all of my support and energy but it is his actions that ultimately make the call.

I am not sure if I would worry what scouts have to say. Your son needs to concentrate on where priorities are so he is able in the spring to have the ability to make more decisions if they arise.

I don't like when coaches dangle the "we have more to offer" carrot before a visit. I also don't like the "no reason you should not start as a freshman" either.
All programs, no matter D1,D2,3, NAIA or Juco, the player is expected to earn his playing time for a starting position, nothing is in writing.
These are coaching recruiting tactics, chances are it's a common line for the coach. Proceed with caution.
If anything doesn't feel right for your son, don't force him, he has all of this year to find the right fit.

Last edited by TPM
"no reason you should not start as a freshman" either.

Dont be misled about that statement. Why would they recruit any freshman that they didnt think could start right away. The truth is most 18yo cant compete against a 20yo. Look at the playing times for the last few years and see for yourself how much time freshman get at that school.

Every guy on the team was the high school stud so playing time has to be earned with more hard workk than he has ever known.
Thanks,the advice I am getting is proceed with caution and we are trying,we have had 2 more visits since posting and each 1 has a great but different twist.My advice too my son was to write down each college's choice and make a list of all the positive's on one side and all the negatve's on the other I thought this might help him.I guess my whole thought process with the recruiting deal is if you let a good $$$ offer get away and do not sign earley those $$$$ are going to be gone very soon.
Went through this last year at this time...a couple great offers from DII' outstanding offer from an east coast DI...good offer from DI...a couple ok offers from DI's. What did HE do...weighed all the options from field of study to size of campus, from returning players (he checked out their previous year stats and read articles to determine if he would indeed have an opportunity as a freshman for ample playing time)to distance from home. After a couple weeks (there was a time limit put on by a couple coaches) he ruled out the ok offers after looking at who was returning at his position and noting who had already verbally committed...ruled out DII's because he had 2 solid DI offers and they didn't carry his chosen field of study...actually ended up at DI with a good offer as opposed to great offer. Knew he would play right away at school with great offer but they didn't carry his field of study and was a little too far ecstatic with his choice after the fall close enough (3 1/2 Hrs) but far enough from home...was accepted into the field of study he wanted...and has an opportunity to be in the rotation based on his fall performance as a freshman. Bottom line...let it be HIS decision... though you may need to remind him that others are waiting on his decision and HE has to make it..offer guidance but don't try to influence..if baseball goes away will he be happy there? And most's now become his life you got him this far it's time for him to pursue HIS goals.
Nice post Rick K.

We're in the same boat right now. Several offers on the table, and a couple the son is leaning towards.

Admittedly though, he is still hoping for other offers from a few D1 schools that are high on his list, but it may not happen (not sure why but they all seem to want to wait until spring using the "new rules" as an excuse).
(not sure why but they all seem to want to wait until spring using the "new rules" as an excuse).
by the April late signing period their season will be far enough along to firm up their ..
"had your chance to prove yourself - not to be renewed" list Frown

if true (TBD in April) are you sure son wants to be in that same boat soon?
not every program runs a revolving door like that
Last edited by Bee>
Not sure what you mean by this Bee
some coaches historicly make little effort to properly identify & evaluate prospects ... usually having XXL rosters, they see who's hot, make minimal development effort, then turn the "extras" loose, while recruiting the next XXL batch (cattle call recruiting)

progams that formerly operated that way will continue to, but scaled back a bit by new ncaa rules.

patient programs whose success has hinged on properly identifying & evaluating prospects that fit their program, and allowing time to develop will also continue to do so

Last edited by Bee>
Well, with all the great advice and the roller coaster ride I am a very proud Dad, my son has given his verbal commitment too a D3 in Ohio.The advice I recieved on HSBBWeb was just a giant help coming from those that have went thru the recruiting up's and downs.Many times I was told when it strikes him right he will know.He is relieved, feels like he is going to a college he can make an impact. Thanks too all !

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