Originally Posted by RedStitch:
For not having a dog in the fight you're doing a lot of barking. The point I was trying to make, before you went on your rant, has to do with one high school out of three in the system, Sherando, that is at or above capacity. The other two schools are 200-250 students below that. If lines were redrawn so that schools are equally populated then you wouldn't have overcrowding at one. A few years ago, 60 students, who had not yet entered high school, were assigned to go to one of the other high schools. This alleviated some of the crowding issues and allowed Sherando to stay at the (then) AA level. One poster had an issue with the fact that Sherando remained at the AA level because of this. There has been a fourth high school on the books for quite some time with original plans going back to 2010. Now, that 4th high school is scheduled to open in 2019 in order to help with the overcrowding issues at one school and projected growth at the others. The school attendance zones will certainly be different then regardless of where you live now. So, move a few kids around to "even things out" or spend 75-90 million on a new school....which makes more sense??
If you're still struggling with this concept, I'll help you move your mound up a little closer.
No struggle at all! I understand why school districts move people around...I'm just suggesting that it doesn't work, and it's not right. A better approach would simply to plan ahead better, and when constructing a new building...build it big enough to account for some level of relative future growth. In the Tidewater area, in some cities, and certain districts, you will see schools that have been built in the last 0-7 years with a dozen or more portable classrooms. How is that possible? You just built the school!!!!!! Therefore, they move people around. They will literally bus folks from one side of the city to the other, while passing 2 or 3 other schools on the way. It's not the "people's" fault that the school districts and their representative municipalities have been poor stewards of their resources.
So, to answer your question...it is cheaper in the long run, to build the school bigger and spend a little extra money today, vs. moving people around periodically, kicking the proverbial can down the road, to spend 2 or 3 times as much in the future. To me, that makes more sense! In any case, back to baseball!
Best of luck this season!