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My son is a senior in high school. He is not getting the attention that one would expect him to get, wants to play at the next level but we are wondering what to do from here. We lost a couple of years dues to me being out of state, I really thought we had done everything we needed to for him to be seen. Can any one help or is it to late?
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First of all it's not too late, but you're going to have to get proactive quickly. If he has a few colleges that he is interested in, he needs to fill out the questionaire for potential players. If you haven't made a video, I would make a SHORT (under 5 minute) video of him batting, even in a cage from different angles, throwing all of his pitches off a mound, and maybe some fielding and running if that is a strong point. Send out Emails to maybe 25 coaches and ask if they would be interested in seeing a video. If he makes good grades, stress that fact. Offer to send his high school schedule as soon as you get it.

Next thing to do is see if there are any showcases or winter camps being put on by the colleges he is interested in. Most cost $75 to $200 dollars. You can look for these on the individual college website or sometimes find one in your area on this site under the Showcase/camps header. Jucos often recruit up to the last minute and sometimes have showcases where there are 5 or 6 different Jucos in attendance.

Read the OKL and TX forums as they sometimes have advertisements for various camps. If you can afford it and really think he can play, then get in touch with Perfect Game quickly about attending their showcases in Florida in Late Dec or early January. These are usually well scouted but you have to be able to make an impression.

Others will chime in with good ideas I'm sure so hang in there. Good Luck!
Last edited by Three Bagger
Originally posted by BB13:
6'3", 225 lbs., throwing 87-89, started since his freshman year and he has had no attention? I just don't understand. Is there anything else going on?

exactly! when you say "out of state" for a few years" what does that mean? sounds like he's been out of summer competition for three years?? maybe it's a personal matter but he needs to get looked at. check out there are some TX schools listed there

get him in front of someone!
With that size and mph off the bump I'm surprised that there is no interest at any level regardless of location.

Has there been any All-Conference or tournament accolades over the years? When....Where? If he is a coaches delight why isn't he helping to "opening doors"? A good student/athlete who has not filled out any entrance applications? What has the HS guidance councilor done for the last couple years?

Something isn't adding up here Confused but that's just a twitch I get sometimes. I hope all works out and your son is finally discovered.
Last edited by rz1
Do you have any game action video ? If you do clean it up and make a CD/DVD and send it to some schools you would like to attend.Put a cover letter with it and email the coaches plus fill out questionnaires. After a short time follow up with calls to see if coach viewed what you sent !!
You have to stick out and that extra effort can pay off !!
Last edited by BobbleheadDoll
Originally posted by 2Bmom:
He can also contact nearby JUCOs and ask for an individual workout.


Not sure why people are grilling this person about their personal circumstances Confused

Work this from the bottom up. Find one juco out there who would like to have him and build from there. Get a map, draw a 50 or 100 mile radius circle from your home and contact every juco coach within that circle and tell them what you told us here. Ask if you can get a tryout, and also ask them if they are aware of any other opportunities if they themsleves do not currently have a need.

If you wait for the phone to ring, you will likely end your son's baseball career. After establishing a base-level opportunity, work from there if necessary. The video is a great idea. You can e-mail it (e.g., a youtube link) to each coach you contact.
Originally posted by ClevelandDad:
Originally posted by 2Bmom:
He can also contact nearby JUCOs and ask for an individual workout.


Not sure why people are grilling this person about their personal circumstances Confused

Work this from the bottom up. Find one juco out there who would like to have him and build from there. Get a map, draw a 50 or 100 mile radius circle from your home and contact every juco coach within that circle and tell them what you told us here. Ask if you can get a tryout, and also ask them if they are aware of any other opportunities if they themsleves do not currently have a need.

If you wait for the phone to ring, you will likely end your son's baseball career. After establishing a base-level opportunity, work from there if necessary. The video is a great idea. You can e-mail it (e.g., a youtube link) to each coach you contact.

Great advice - right now you need to get him in front of coaches. Contact these schools and flat out ask them "what do we need to do to be seen by you?". Find out if they are having winter camps, what showcases they are going to be at, tell them you are going to be at PG stuff. Get to the camps, showcases and PG events and have your son introduce himself and explain he was the one asking to be seen. Then he needs to produce.

I'm not a fan of the video but you never know and it may help. I believe most coaches ignore the video but I can't see any of them going "this kid sent a video - cross him off". Video can't replace human eyes seeing talent but it won't hurt to be seen on video either.

Best of luck and let us know how it goes.
'm not a fan of the video but you never know and it may help. I believe most coaches ignore the video but I can't see any of them going "this kid sent a video - cross him off". Video can't replace human eyes seeing talent but it won't hurt to be seen on video either.

Paid off big for us with no showcases !!
Several offers and some Florida JC invites to work out !
An offer from Indian Hills Iowa sight unseen !!
We had response from every college except Florida Atlantic U. Even Miami U called with a camp invite !

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